Graduation Requirements 畢業條件

Graduation from Global Human Resource Management English MBA Program  requires a minimum of 39 credits. Students can choose English-taught courses offered in the College of Management & max. two courses in other Colleges.

Students are required to take the four core management courses, i.e. Financial Management, Management Information Systems, Marketing Management, Productions and Operations Management (selecting a minimum of two courses from the above four). Credits approved by a domestic or foreign university accredited by the Ministry of Education, graded no lower than 75, can be waived by application.

Local students are required to participate in an overseas exchange program, pass no less than two management courses at post-graduate/master level during the exchange, and have a TOEFL score above ibt 79-80 (or IELTS 6) for their English proficiency.

International students from non-English speaking countries are also required to pass a TOEFL score above ibt 79-80 (or IELTS 6) for their English proficiency before graduation.  

All international students should reach Chinese proficiency, TOCFL score level 2 (A2) or  New HSK score level 2.

Both local students and international students are required to complete a graduation thesis in English, and should pass an oral assessment.


  1. GHRM MBA畢業學分至少須修畢39學分。

  2. 學生必須選修管理學院開授的全英語授課課程,才能納入畢業學分;並至少從四門管理課程(財務管理、資訊管理、行銷管理、生產與作業管理)中選修兩門,始得畢業。(入學前若已在教育部認可的國內外大學修習四管課程,且分數不得低於75分,經審核通過者得免修)

  3. 本國生在學期間應出國交換,且交換期間至少需選修並通過二門研究所管理課程。

  4. 無論本國生或國際學生,都必須以英文撰寫畢業論文並通過口試始得畢業。


國際學生需通過華語文能力測驗(TOCFL)基礎級(A2)或新漢語水平考試(New HSK)2級。