《111-1 GHRM MBA Student Sharing》Making your way to success: HR Internship at MediaTek Taiwan

Internships can be valuable for students to gain first-hand experience and develop practical skills for their future careers. During the summer break, GHRM MBA 2nd year student, Gordon Lum, got the opportunity to work as an HR intern at MediaTek, a giant in the semiconductor industry in Taiwan. Gordon shares his experience to encourage students to gain work experience and talks about the challenges and opportunities of working as a student.

When asked about why he decided to pursue an internship during the summer break when most students would go back home, he answers, “I am a person who loves challenges and likes to try new things. The reason why I wanted to pursue an internship was not only to see the reality outside the school but also to have a stepping stone that can pave the way for the future. My current goal for the future is to continue in the field of human resources. Still, I cannot efficiently deal with difficult situations at the workplace in the future, just by using theoretical knowledge. No matter how rich the knowledge is, it might not be as concrete as acquiring it on the ground. Therefore, I wanted to do an internship during my studies, first to discover my shortcomings, and then have time to work on myself before entering the workplace.”

Gordon worked as part of the Training & Development team at the Global Human Resources Headquarters which takes care of integrating employees into the company environment while encouraging them to develop knowledge of world-class IC design teams, and effectively utilize the interests, expertise, and abilities of colleagues to implement the value of continuous learning. MediaTek uses functional development plans, to stimulate learning, and further develops a personal development plan for employees as the basis for training, assessment and development. In addition to his daily work and projects, Gordon assisted other colleagues in the department to carry out various projects.

Talking about the work culture, Gordon shares, “The company's working atmosphere is also very good, and everyone in the entire HR department is willing to help each other across departments. Although everyone is generally very busy with work, they were always willing to take the time to teach me, a newcomer to get familiar with everything. At the same time, MediaTek is also a company that encourages its employees to learn and challenge independently, so this allowed me to jump out of my work scope and get in touch with many new things, such as assisting in organizing the three-day, two-night external training program for supervisor-level colleagues; and work with the recruiting department for organizing the orientation for interns in the Everyday Genius program.”

As MediaTek is one of the most cutting-edge technology companies in the world and one of the top companies in Taiwan, Gordon was excited to be selected for the internship. He shares, “I was really happy when I received the acceptance call. I couldn’t imagine that I gained an opportunity to work with elites in this industry from all over the world. I would therefore like to thank the international program of the School of Management of Sun Yat-Sen University for giving me the knowledge and skills I needed to set foot on this starting line, and I am very grateful to the seniors in the company for their care during the internship.”

《110-2》實作力就是你的超能力 _GHRM MBA實習分享會


星展銀行 (DBS)




台灣諾和諾德藥品股份有限公司 (Novo Nordisk)

中山大學管院GHRM MBA 二年級學生在2021年12月30日下午舉辦線上實習分享會,吸引超過30位中山學生參與聆聽5位目前就讀於GHRM MBA 二年級的優秀學長姊分享人資實習經驗、職涯實務分享。五位學長姊分別在各大不同領域之本國、外國公司實習,包含在達發科技人資處的Crystal (曾郁菁)學姊、艾司摩爾人才招募的 (黃湘庭) Luna學姊、星展銀行人力資源共用服務中心的Susan (林紓含)學姊、Novo Nordisk人資部的Daniel (賴嘉恩)學長及台灣福興企劃部的Mandy (陳孟筠)學姊,他們皆進行為期一學期至一學年之實習。






在經過實習的洗禮後,在星展銀行實習的Susan分享到:「人資是一間公司的support team,在為他人創造價值同時,也在為自己創造價值。」人資的工作雖然例行性的行政工作繁雜,但是需要注意留心的細節不少。要有主動學習、多多了解公司的心態,並定期的檢視自己的工作成果。不要僅把自己定位成HR,跨領域的學習更可以創造出更多更新的價值。






艾司摩爾人才招募的Luna需要負責履歷過濾和第一關的電話面試,並且進行ATS(Applicant Tracking System)的管理以及維護艾司摩爾亞洲區(台灣、中國、日本、韓國、新加坡)的HR工作手冊。在進行ATS管理時,可以讓公司擁有更有效率的收集履歷方式、建立起一個完整的人才數據庫。


Novo Nordisk人資部的Daniel負責招募、教育訓練以及HR專案計畫,可以在他分享中了解到跨國公司的人才招募流程,每年的招募名額皆須要有詳細的計畫制定及安排,且需要經由總部的通過才能執行。也分享了因應疫情影響,所發展及加速推廣出來的教育學習訓練方式。



當然,在人資相關部門實習的學長姐們,也不吝與大家分享他們時如何尋找實習,以及人資在看履歷時,注重的Do’s and Don’ts。

同學們需要隨時準備好自己,並且定期更新檢視自己的履歷。要培養出習慣隨時瀏覽各大網站的資源,每一間公司的招募實習生時程皆有所不同,往往想要開始尋找相關實習職缺時,已經晚別人很多步囉!履歷撰寫時則要陳述事實,有連貫及邏輯性,量化自己的表現,且謹記STAR (Situation、Task、Action、Result)原則。期待參加完實習分享會的同學們,都可以找到自己理想中的實習機會,拓展自己的實力喔!

Sunny Chen From GHRM MBA Shares Her Internship Experience At LaserTek

Many of our prestigious GHRM MBA and IBMBA students completed their internships at prestigious companies in Taiwan. Today, we share the internship experience of Sunny Chen from GHRM MBA. 

Sunny did her internship at LaserTek, one of the leading manufacturers of Surface Mount Device (SMD) materials such as top and bottom cover tapes. She worked in the energy department, which deals with LED tubes, air purifiers, and sanitizer sprays. Sunny learned about the internship opportunity through the Office of Career Development, College of Management, NSYSU. As OCD posts a lot of information about internships and other opportunities on Facebook, Sunny says it makes it easier to receive the news. 

As for the motivation to do the internship at LaserTek, Sunny says it was to gain practical experience. According to her, 

“The main point is to get practical experience. We always sit in the classroom, listening to what professors say, writing notes in the notebook. However, we got lots of knowledge but really lacked practical experience. Being an intern in the company will be a good choice to get practical experience.”

Sunny describes the work culture at LaserTek as 'true harmony.' The workplace is decorated with stunning artwork, and people are always willing to help. The mission of LaserTek is “creating an excellent environment for employees and the company to grow together," and the vision is to "guide Laser Tek to develop an international brand." 

According to Sunny, the biggest challenge was adapting to the new work environment, which took about a month. However, if she had any issues, she didn't shy away from reaching out to someone. Luckily, everyone at LaserTek was willing to help her out. 

The most memorable experience at LaserTek, Sunny says, was an uneasy experience with an agitated person. Sunny says, 

“The most memorable experience is a phone call. One angry woman called me; I answered the phone kindly. However, she kept yelling and shouting at me. I didn't take charge of this task, so I totally had no idea what happened and what she was talking about. She kept yelling at me and making me agitated. She made me restless, and I couldn’t hear what she said carefully. One day I mentioned this situation to my colleague, she shared with me how to handle this tough task. The most important thing is to stabilize your emotions first and don't follow her mood. The second step is to listen to what she wants to say calmly and wait until she finishes talking. The third step is to repeat what she said and confirm that you understand the conversation in this phone call. After this incident, I can answer the phone patiently and more efficiently.” 

Sunny acquired a lot of soft skills through the internship. She also shares advice for the students who are interested in doing internships in the future. Sunny shares, 

“If you have time, I strongly recommend students doing internships while studying. You can learn a lot which professors didn’t teach you in school. The internship experience will help you to adapt to the workplace after you graduate from school.”

GHRM MBA is delighted to know that Sunny's internship experience was so memorable and enriching. We are confident that the knowledge and skills gained through this internship will prove valuable to her in whatever field she chooses to foray into.

《Internship Experiences》Susan From GHRM MBA Shares Her Internship Experience At DBS Bank (Taiwan) Limited

Internships are a fantastic opportunity for students to develop their professional aptitude. Numerous GHRM MBA students recently completed their internships at leading companies in Taiwan. Today, we share the internship experience of Susan, a 2nd-year student from GHRM MBA. 

Susan is from New Taipei City and has a bachelor’s degree in international business from Chung Yuan Christian University. After graduation, she worked for a securities company where she was responsible for training. After discovering her interest in human resource management, Susan decided to study HRM and hence applied for GHRM MBA. 

Susan did her internship at DBS Bank (Taiwan) Ltd., one of Asia's largest financial services groups with a market presence in over 18 markets. DBS Bank (Taiwan) was honored as World’s Best Bank and World’s Best Digital Bank in Euromoney’s Global Awards for Excellence 2021. Before her summer vacation, she used the 104 and 111 job platforms to search for internship opportunities. One day, she received a call from a headhunter about the internship opportunity at DBS Bank (Taiwan). After completing an interview, she was offered the job. 

As for the work culture at DBS Bank, Susan related it to the acronym PRIDE. According to the official website of DBS Bank:

“P means Purpose-driven, we believe the impact we create goes beyond banking... because what we do touches real people, real businesses and real lives. We strive to be a long-term Asian partner, committed to making banking joyful and trustworthy, and transforming Asia for the better.

R means Relationship-led; we build long-lasting relationships and strong teams. We collaborate by working together to find better solutions. We treat each other and our partners with respect.

I means Innovation, we embrace change and we are not afraid to do things differently. We are encouraged to challenge the status quo and find innovative ways to serve our customers well and create delightful experiences.

D means Decisive, ours is a workplace where people walk in confidence knowing that it’s not about who you are, or where you come from... but about what you can do. People thrive here as they are given the freedom to decide, take ownership and make things happen.

E means Everything fun, people are excited and energised about being part of a great team. We have fun and celebrate together!” 

For about two months, Susan had to work from home and she considers that to be her biggest challenge during her internship. She had to communicate with her supervisor and colleagues through ‘MS Teams’, and as a result, it was difficult to get closer to her colleagues. However, she’s thankful that her supervisor and colleagues taught her a lot, not just about work but also about career. 

As for her most memorable moment during her internship, Susan shares: 

“One of my main jobs was arranging the interview with candidates, recruiters or supervisors. I did not expect that the request for an interview arrangement would be so much. In three months, I arranged about 180 interviews and the highest record I contacted with candidate one day is about 10 candidates. In fact, the quantity of interview arrangement is fewer because of Covid-19, it was still a lot. These three months is the time which I talk the most and it is a memorable experience to communicate between candidates and recruiters. It make me learn a lot communication skill.”

Susan says that the most valuable thing she learned during her internship is that it's okay to make mistakes, but the more important thing is to learn from it and not commit the same mistake again. “When we did some mistakes, we should have more positive attitude to face it and make it, and I believe we will grow up after that. Try to tell ourselves that we are the best!” says Susan. 

For students that want to do internships in the future, Susan also has some wonderful advice. She says: 

“I strongly encourage students to try everything that you are interested in. Only try it, you will know if you are still like it or suitable or not. Also, I think that students who want to find internship opportunities, they can find some job description which they are interested in, and try to make themselves have some related experience. These related experiences will become an additional bonus and improve the chance of recruiting. Anyway, just try it!”

GHRM MBA is delighted that Susan's internship experience was so fruitful, and we are sure she will succeed in whatever field she chooses to foray into. 

【GHRM MBA】Reianthong Vongseangkam From GHRM MBA Shares His Internship Experience At The Rising Star Summer Internship Program of CTBC bank

Reianthong Vongsangkam from Thailand, currently studying at GHRM MBA, shares his exciting internship experience with us . Apart from his academic commitments , Reianthong has been engaged in the community, including founding the Hult Prize at NSYSU as a former campus director and currently serving as the IBMBA & GHRM MBA Student Association President.

Could you tell me why you decided to apply for an internship?

An internship can educate us on how to work and how to apply what we've learned at school to the real world. Furthermore, having international working experience enhances my resume.

Even though our program does not require us to do an internship, I received a lot of support from the College career consultation program, job postings on our department's Facebook page, and internship insurance, apart from the university's reputation. These are the key reasons I received this internship.

What is the Summer Internship Program for Rising Stars?

CTBC Bank, one of Taiwan's largest private banks, hosts the Rising Star Summer Internship Program. CTBC Bank created this two-month program to expand its services to Southeast Asia. As a result, it’s an international internship program that primarily recruits international students from Southeast Asia.

How was the recruitment process of this internship?


I first discovered this program through the Contact Taiwan Line group, an international recruitment platform run by the Ministry of Economic Affairs of the Republic of China. At CTBC, there are three rounds to the recruitment process. I have to create an application and record a video for the first round. I made a video by pretending to be a news reporter. However, through the news report, I had to convince CTBC to hire me by letting them know the advantages of hiring me.During the second round, I was interviewed by the HR team. They primarily inquired about my past accomplishments .

Furthermore, because CTBC Bank is LH Bank's major shareholder in Thailand, they asked how Thais perceive LH Bank as an employer. The final round included an interview with the HR manager with whom I was going to work with. She asked further questions about the HR projects I had previously worked on.

How was your internship? , what did you take away from it?

The project that they assigned to me was the best part of this internship. They wanted me to create a report and give a presentation about manpower in Thailand's financial sector. I can combine the research method I learned in GHRM MBA class with my HR knowledge. My boss had given me a freedom by allowing me to work from home and develop the report in detail. However, every week, I had to update my work progress.

This program taught me how to work in a Taiwanese commercial bank. There are three keywords that come to mind for me:

1. Process-oriented:

Working in this role requires the preparation and submission of several documents. Every week, I need to update my work progress and keep track of what I did each day in an Excel file. In addition, when training is provided, interns must describe what they have learned and how they will apply it to their work.

2. Learning & Development

I'm impressed that interns receive training every week. The training mainly focused on how to strengthen our work skills. Even during the graduation ceremony, the LinkedIn Business Lead was invited to share useful tips for interns developing our professional branding.

3. Work-life balance

For full-time employees, there is a fixed work schedule. Their hours of operation are from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. They must tap their name card to notify when they enter and leave the office. As a result, individuals can better manage their lives and allocate more time to their personal lives.

Who would be a good fit for this program?

It’s important for applicants to be fluent in Chinese because they communicate mainly in that language. Level A2 in TOCFL is the minimum requirement for this position. Also, if your Chinese level is greater, you will have a better chance of standing out and landing a job here after graduation.

Another thing to consider is that you must demonstrate your skills. Perhaps you can showcase your success through your work or an assignment at the university. The most essential factor is identifying how you can add value to them.

About 2021 Rising Star Summer Internship Program: https://careers.ctbcholding.com/en/recruit-job/Summer_Internship

《Internship Experiences》Linda Chia From GHRM MBA Shares Her Internship Experience At American Institute In Taiwan, Kaohsiung

Name : Linda Chia , 2nd year students of GHRM MBA 

Title of the Internship Company: American Institute In Taiwan, Kaohsiung

Internships equip students with practical skills and enhance their chances of getting gainful employment after graduation. Many GHRM MBA and IBMBA students have completed their internships at leading companies. Today, we share the internship experience of Linda Chia, a 2nd-year student from GHRM MBA. 

Linda did her internship at American Institute in Taiwan, Kaohsiung Branch Office. According to Linda:

“AIT is a non-profit, private corporation established shortly after the United States Government changed its diplomatic recognition from Taipei to Beijing on January 1, 1979. The Kaohsiung Branch Office of the American Institute in Taiwan represents U.S. interests in southern Taiwan and endeavors to strengthen ties between the American people and the people of southern Taiwan through an active program of public diplomacy and outreach.”

Linda came to know about the internship opportunity through the organization's website. AIT looks for interns during the Spring and Fall semesters, and as such, Linda encourages interested individuals to regularly check out AIT's social media and websites. Ms. Chia wanted to explore her career path and was particularly interested in working in a western environment and gaining some real-life experience and, as such, found AIT to be the perfect fit. 

Linda cherished the work culture and environment at AIT. According to her:

“The work culture is very positive and engaging here at AIT/K. Everyone treats each other with respect. The office holds events on special holidays to boost the relationship between the employees. AIT does not treat interns differently and has always been very supportive, encouraging them to gain new experience in different work aspects.”

However, the internship experience wasn’t without its challenges. As Linda's tasks involve much paperwork, it's easy to make mistakes if one isn't focused. However, with time and experience, Linda notes that she learned to accomplish them perfectly. Ms. Chia fondly recalls how supportive and helpful her colleagues were whenever she needed help. 

Asked about the most valuable lesson learned during her internship, Linda says: 

“The internship gave me valuable work experience that I will not gain from school. And has given me the chance to find out more about my weakness and strength before stepping out of the real world.” As a final piece of advice, Linda says that being an intern at AIT was one of the best decisions she made and encourages other students to work for AIT.

GHRM MBA is glad to know that Linda's internship experience was so rewarding, and we're sure it'll prove to be beneficial in her future endeavors.


《Intern Experiences》GHRM MBA Alumna Barbara Yang Shares Her Internship Experience At International Relations, College Of Management, NSYSU

Internships offer students hands-on experience and are an excellent way of prepping them for the outside world. Many GHRM MBA and IBMBA students have completed their internships at various prestigious companies all across Taiwan. Today, we share the internship experience of GHRM MBA alumna Barbara Yang who did her internship at International Relations, College of Management, NSYSU.

Barbara is from Kaohsiung, and during her bachelor's, she studied Medical Sociology and Social Work. After her graduation, she worked as a Project Management Co-Ordinator for the city government. However, after one year of working, Barbara soon realized that this field of work wasn't for her. As a result, she decided to apply for GHRM MBA with the hope of switching her professional field. Barbara did her internship at International Relations, College of Management, NSYSU. As for the responsibilities of the department, Barbara shares:

“This unit is basically taking charge of the international programs, such as GHRM MBA and IBMBA, many affairs related to the international students, and the activities regarding English learning for the students of College of Management.”

After completing the ESSCA Dual Degree Program in Europe, it was mandatory to undergo a 4-month internship. Barbara thought it would be fruitful to get some practical experience to cultivate her professional skills before entering the real market. Around that time, the International Relations department was looking for an intern. Since Barbara had already worked with the office several times before, her boss notified her of this opportunity. Barbara characterizes the work culture during her internship as ‘respectful,' ‘trustworthy,' and ‘flexible.' In her words:

“The main task of the internship was to hold 6 Business English Writing Speeches. I was responsible for leading an undergraduate student to organize every detail of speeches, including deciding the speech topics, contacting the lecturers, analysing the target participants and reviewing the feedback, etc. The office was quite respectful of any of our ideas, we could offer creative and innovative concepts into the speeches, and we could try to communicate with the lecturers to add more interesting or attractive things. So basically, we worked independently with trust and flexibility, which made me feel very good because I could bring my skills and thoughts into full play, and get appropriate support meanwhile.”


However, her internship experience wasn’t all smooth sailing for Barbara. At times situations of conflict arose due to differing opinions and standards. Barbara was well-versed in writing content such as news articles; however, in one scenario, the first edition created by the undergraduate student didn’t meet her expectations. As Barbara had taken her under her wing and was responsible for mentoring her, Barbara had to carefully deliver constructive criticism without hurting the undergrad students’ feelings. However, she overcame this obstacle by complimenting the undergraduate student whenever she did a good job and also informing her of the standards and requirements whenever required. By guiding her step by step, Barbara and the undergraduate student were able to work well together and maintained a cordial relationship. Barbara remarks that she was delighted at their relationship as well as the undergraduate student’s positive growth.


Her internship experience was full of wonderful memories, but if she had to highlight one, Barbara says it was the opportunity of meeting the leaders of major companies and the brilliant workers from various markets and industries. During her internship, Barbara even had the chance to meet "the acquisition lead of ASML, the business intelligence manager of SHOPEE and the outstanding alumnus who devotes himself to the Taiwanese market."

Questioned about the most valuable skill she acquired through the internship; Barbara says it was the 'marketing skills. Even though it was a daunting task, Barbara was eventually able to achieve the goals. Lastly, Barbara also has some wonderful advice for students who are interested in doing internships in Taiwan. She shares:

“Take on the challenges and never be afraid to get busy!” This is what I would deliver to whoever wants to do an internship. I was always enjoying the business I had during being a student. The internship made me feel energetic to apply my expertise to the practical field. Though it’s a cliché, I still want to say that it’s the only period that allows you to make mistakes and train yourself to be more competitive. So, seize the opportunities and challenge yourself!”

GHRM MBA is delighted to know that Barbara Yang’s internship experience was so fruitful and valuable. GHRM MBA is sure Barbara Yang will do exceptionally well in whatever field she chooses to foray into.

《109-2 Internship Sharing》HRM must become a HR? Unlock Different Internship Opportunities!

GHRM MBA Student: Mandy Chen

Company: Taiwan Fu Hsing Industrial Co., Ltd.

The academic Field that one studies doesn't necessarily have to be related to their future career, but it can broaden their horizon. Studying at GHRM MBA enabled me to see HR management of a company or a department in a professional manner when I am at the managerial level. Instead of restricting my career to HR, I would like to try as many career paths as I can in my postgraduate life. Hence, this semester,  I became an intern in the planning department of Taiwan Fu Hsing, one of the top access controller manufacturers in the world.

The business model of Taiwan Fu Hsing is B2B. As a result they are less familiar with end-users. To enhance product and service quality, the company builds a stronger liaison with customers by optimizing the online service channel. Therefore, Stan, a 2nd-year IBMBA student, and I had to launch an online service channel prototype within 3 months. Due to the in-depth training arranged by HR, we knew the line-ups and the sales status of digital locks in the domestic market. To develop the most effective and feasible solution, we conducted comprehensive market research and benchmark to have a clear grasp of the industry’s status quo and market demand.

Inter-departmental communication plays an indispensable role in PM’s daily work, and it is also the most interesting part of the internship. We had several discussions regarding customers’ feedback collection, insurance policy, and brand image with domestic sales, QA, and the design team. PM’s versatility was shown when my mentor discussed the issues with the other teams. Besides mechanical design, my mentor is well-equipped with multimedia tools, website development, and lock installment. In addition to admiration, I also found my own shortcomings. "The more PM understands, the more willing other units will be to cooperate." The advice from my mentor guides me in a new direction.

Through internships, we can discover sides of ourselves that we didn't know before. To be honest, I hesitated to take the internship due to the commuting distance between Gangshan and Gushan, but my mentor and colleagues encouraged me to accept the internship. Thanks to the internship, I learned about one more industry, one small town, a group of warm-hearted supervisors and co-workers, and a new career path, and it was worth riding 150km every week. Regardless of whether we land our career in HR or not, as students, it is worthwhile to explore various internship experiences. We may end up unlocking another unexpected life path.

【Intern Experience】Zhanna's Internship at Envoy Enterprise Co. Ltd.

As defined in the Oxford dictionary, internship is the position of a student or trainee who works in an organization, sometimes without pay, in order to gain work experience or satisfy requirements for a qualification. This definition is proven to be correct by one of our GHRM MBA students, Zhanna Samodurova from Russia as she shares to us her internship experience.

Zhanna is currently doing her internship at Envoy Enterprise Co. Ltd., a company that supplies foundry raw materials in Taiwan. She started her internship last February 2020 as a marketing researcher. Through Professor David Lin, also a consulting adviser of the said company, Zhanna was able to know the company. Her background in Materials Science Engineering and MBA makes her suitable for the job. This makes her application as Envoy's intern processed smoothly.

On being an intern

Her primary task as an intern is to do a research about Eastern Europe, focusing on countries such as Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, and Poland. Being more specific, she is tasked to research on different companies' market share, competitors, the level of GDP on each country, as well as on how to enter the market in Eastern Europe. Zhanna is responsible on knowing these pieces of information for Envoy. Her outputs will help the company arrange possible negotiations with business partners in these countries. The negotiations will then help Envoy to provide products to their customers.

On working conditions and culture shocks

Knowing the relevance of her work makes Zhanna appreciate her internship so much. For her, it is important to understand why she is doing her job and how clear her roles are. According to Zhanna, the company provides everything that she needs for her job. This makes her willing to put 100% of her efforts. She told us that she enjoys her internship so much, and she has no doubts on saying yes if she'll be asked to work for the company as a full-time employee. I never felt lost during the process because Sarah, the Vice President, always helps me. If I have questions, I can come to her directly even she's quite busy, Zhanna mentioned.

When we asked Zhanna on culture shocks in working on a Taiwanese company, this is what she said: I didn't have any culture shocks despite of the fact that Envoy is a Taiwanese company. Since it [Envoy] is a global company and they operate all over the world, I don't feel any big difference. She also added that there are no language barriers since all of her co-workers can communicate with her easily. She also mentioned that she doesn't have any problems communicating with her boss.

On her motivation and advice to do internship

Zhanna answered simply when we asked her on what's her motivation on doing an internship: To put something on my resume, and to experience the big world. According to Zhanna, it is better to do internship, rather than not doing it at all. For Zhanna, the internship makes the students familiar with working conditions which will help them estimate and evaluate themselves as employees. Through her internship, she can actually see the bigger picture of what she wants to do in the future. According to her, The requirements from you, as an intern, are not very high. The pressure during internship is lower, compared to a full-time job. It's good for interns to feel how it [the internship] is going to be

With Zhanna's story, the College of Management hopes that more students would be more interested in doing an internship to experience the real world!

Roll up your sleeves, reach the future: Internship Sharing Day

On the 11th of September 2019, the director of International Programs and International Relations Office(IRO), Dr. Sharon Wang, introduced several internship resources, including the EFMD Global Talent Portal and Global Internship Facilitation of Taiwan, and the free insurance provided by our university. The IRO invited seven students from the College of management to share their internship experiences and how they grew through immersing themselves in various company / organizational settings with the faculty and fellow students.


The seven students each put the theories they learned into practice, either in Taiwan or in other parts of the world.  Our IBMBA student from Thailand, Jetsin Patipatthanan, had previous work experience in engineering. After moving to Taiwan for his master studies, he decided to further explore the Taiwanese work culture by spending his summer in Whetron Electronics. His initial contact with the company started with the job fair in NSYSU and was followed by interviews with the Taipei Office and the Bangkok Office soon after the job fair; Jetsin went into the details about the interviews he had with both offices, hoping to better prepare his fellow students for their future interviews. “To a person from Thailand, daily life in Taiwan is not that big of a challenge, but I encountered some culture shock when dealing with the Taiwanese work culture.” He compared the Taiwanese attitude towards the organization and their organizational behavior with the more relaxed work setting in Thailand where he said people typically “run away” from work. This and other differences were interesting and fresh to Jetsin. He also encourages all the foreign students to explore the professional field in Taiwan through internships.


Peiyu, who recently graduated from GHRM MBA had her 8-month internship with MT.DERM GmbH, a medical device manufacturer located in Berlin, Germany. She first shared her experience with the difficulties of finding internships in Europe and followed with a thorough analysis of the experience with work culture, management methods and communication styles. “It is almost inevitable to not face hardships throughout your internships, but if you examine things with a mind of a student, you will most definitely learn something about the intricacies of the local organizational culture,” she said. During her time in Berlin, she not only helped plan a set of online marketing strategy targeting the east and south-east Asian market and built and launched a brand-new website, but also planned events such as factory tours and various other events. Such experience has rewarded her with knowledge in B2B operations and related marketing strategies.


GHRM MBA second-year student, Esther Lu did her internship in Yulong Motor as a recruitment intern. She put theories learned in classes into practice, helping the company find suitable candidates in job fairs. Esther also had a glimpse of how company welfare operates, in order to keep their talent pool in top shape.


While Peiyu and Esther gained experience in established companies, Alice Hsu, a second-year students in the Master Program of Business Administration, had a somewhat interesting experience with NinetyRoad Travel, which is a start-up travel agency. Start-ups can be smaller, but they are great for students to develop a well-rounded perspective of businesses, while practicing more horizontal communication.

Also from the same program, Lynn Tsai went to Bejing, China to work with iQIYI. Her love for drama TV series let her to work with a video-streaming company as a market analyst and to explore the professional culture in China.


From the Master Program of Business Administration, Eileen Lu spent her summer at ACER. She kindly shared info about the platforms with she used to hunt for her internship opportunity. “My undergraduate degree was in a completely opposite direction from business management, and that made me want to enrich my resume, for a smooth sail into the future,” she said. After successfully passing the resume screening and the interviews, she then entered ACER’s Business Planning Division, to learn about how the company manages their Asia market, the sub-markets and their daily practices. The company hosts CEO lectures and creative proposal events for the employees to exercise their creative minds. Speaking of the differences between the corporate world and the academic field, Eileen considers the experience in the real world an extremely valuable one. “Things such as Google Analytics and Excel PivotTable Reports are not taught in schools; this hands-on experience really helped me fulfill my goal of enriching myself.”


Lastly, GHRM MBA student Hwak Shan shared her exciting summer organized by Arnhem Business School in the Netherlands. Other than lectures and workshops, ABS also provided students life coaches to help them better understand themselves and their future in an organized manner.


People might consider schools and universities as umbrellas protecting students carefully, but with this umbrella, the students can then approach the outside world in their own way and explore the future in a safe controlled manner. Peiyu does not consider internships to represent the full scope of the real world, but they can become an important piece of one’s professional career, and also remarkable memory during one’s master studies.

New Visions: Jamie's journey in Tesla


Jamie Huang, who is currently 3rd year GHRM MBA student, gladly shares internship experience at Tesla Company, which took place from April 18th to August 31st 2018.

Jamie was highly impressed by Tesla company profile and Elon Musk – charismatic and innovative CEO of the company, so when the recruiting post on the website popped up there was zero hesitation about applying for internship. Just in case anyone is not familiar with Tesla, it’s an American company, which mainly sells electric vehicles and energy products. 

Jamie was a Recruiting Intern at Tesla, Inc. (formerly Tesla Motors, Inc.), so the prior responsibility was to recruit Tesla 2018 summer interns and some entry-level positions for other departments. Most of the time at the company, Jamie was doing resume screening, phone interviewing, and assisting in face-to-face interviews, also a lot of administrative work, which was inevitable in the job, such as creating job vacancy, collecting candidate profile, and filing new hire information on the system.

The difficulty during the internship was when Jamie thought there were not enough candidates applying the internship positions, thus Jamie had to try different methods to search potential candidates and find many other ways to attract more people to apply, and surprisingly hundreds of people applied the internship just right before the application deadline, which might be the human nature. 

The job itself was very interesting and practical, and Jamie had a chance to get in touch with all kinds of candidates everyday and learned how to operate the online HR system, which all brought very valuable hands-on experiences. Besides, the work environment was very encouraging and flexible: the colleagues there were easy-going and willing to share their own experiences. Working in such a fast-paced environment helped Jamie to enhance adaptability and resilience that trained to work in a more systematical way.

Jamie explains that the basic three factors from NSYSU GHRM MBA Program helped a lot: the English environment; cross-cultural projects and HR knowledge, obtained during courses. “When you personally encounter the situation, then you will realize the concepts that you learned before.” – says Jamie. Since Tesla is a foreign company, there were a few foreigners in the office and they often communicated in English especially when writing emails. Also, Jamie had to cooperate closely with the HR department in Hong Kong.

Jamie 100% recommends other students to enroll in the internship that fits their interests or would like to have a try, especially the kinds of internship that can help know more about the realistic aspects of the job itself.

For those, who is planning to apply for a job in a specific company, Jamie suggests to do some research on the company that you want to apply for. “It’s always a plus to show the interviewer your passion when you already possess basic knowledge before the interview, and then you can have more resonance and interaction with the interviewer. Do some simple preparation such as their products/service, their latest achievements, or their current situation in the region that you are applying for.”

[International Programs] A Glimpse of the Real World: Internship Sharing Experience

by: Justine Jude Pura

September 27, 2018 – Business concepts or theories in human resource management will be useless if not put into practice. The application of these ideas will help the students appreciate more of what they have learned, and further, explore what things could be done with the knowledge they already have. Students could make this possible by immersing themselves into the “real world” or corporate environment, through the so-called internship.


The Internship Sharing Experience event was made possible by the GHRM MBA/IBMBA Office, with the help of the International Program Student Association. The event’s objective is to give a brighter light to the students of GHRM MBA and IBMBA students on what to expect in doing an internship. The participants of the event are fortunate enough to hear four stories of incredible internship experiences. The event was started by a brief speech of Dr. Wee-Kheng Tan, Deputy Director for Center for International Affairs, who introduced a platform called GIFT (Global Internship Facilitation of Taiwan); which primarily connects the students with global businesses while they are in Taiwan. Dr. Tan emphasized that the platform has over 430 corporate partners in 45 countries.

The first student to present was GHRM MBA student, Ms. Ariel Wang, who took a dual-degree program at the Nottingham Trent in the UK. She had her consultancy project at Engineering Ingegneria Informatica S.P.A., an IT service management company based in Brescia, Italy. She had worked with people from different cultures. At the end of her talk, she inspired the participants of the event to make a 10-year career plan. For some, it may be bizzare, but for her, she found it very helpful in fulfilling her dreams. After Ariel's story, it was followed by GHRM MBA student Mr. Chris Ternosky’s. He is working as an intern in San Education Academy (SEA), an online education platform based in Taipei. Here, he shared his experiences in solving challenging issues such as hiring employees from various cultural backgrounds and countries, which he had never done before. Chris also stated appropriate and inappropriate habits of interviewees during the hiring process and mentioning helpful tips, which can be used by those who aspire to apply in different companies.

The last students who have generously shared their experiences are IBMBA students, Mr. Johnny Chen and Mr. Justin Tang, whose internships are both in the technology industry. Johnny had his internship at Didichuxing, a popular ride-sharing service using mobile phone, which is based in China. He mentioned interesting practices of the company such as having meetings in an open-space roof deck, which helps them ‘unleash’ creativity. He also mentioned that the company had a slide inside the office to help employees solve problems. On the other hand, Justin, who is also the President of the student association, shared his experience in Pumpkin Studio. It is a company known for developing Virtual Reality games. He said that even if he works as an intern, he has handled project management tasks, which for some company, is a task of a high-level employee. He mentioned proudly that the studio’se been working with different big names in the tech industry.

In summary, an internship is a great way to gain hands-on, professional expertise which will be valuable for their career paths. Thanks to this event, students are now more enlightened on what to do and expect before, during, and after their internships.

Learn to experience, learn for chances. Jamie Huang@ Adecco

2017 Adecco intern_170901_0006.jpg

學習體驗、掌控機會:黃瓈葳Jamie@ Adecco

在碩一升上碩二的暑假,Jamie黃瓈葳選擇將她在課堂上所學帶入實務範圍,進入人資顧問公司Adecco實習。「課堂上常常討論我們為何需要某種人才,在Adecco,我們就是要為客戶思考這個問題。」Adecco在全球60個國家有超過5000個據點,對來自GHRM MBA這樣國際化環境的Jamie來說是個再好不過的機會。




Before going into the second year of her studies in GHRM MBA, Jamie decided to bring what she learned into practice by working as an intern at Adecco, a multinational human resource consulting company which has over 5000 offices in 60 countries. “We always discuss why we need certain talent in a field. At Adecco, we have to think about this for our clients.”

In a human resource consulting company, the clients can be from different industries and fields. Thus, it is important for Jamie and her team to do research about their clients’ industrial background. Researching industries, analyzing resumes are the early preparation of her work, then moving on to phone interviews and narrow down the potential candidates for interviews in order to choose the most suitable talent for their clients. Apart from recruiting, Jamie learned the importance of processing crisis and thinking critically during her internship. “Before asking for definite answers, we have to think according to the logic behind our work and offer our own ideas.” Why do our clients need this talent? What makes to candidate quit his/ her previous job? What are the needs of both ends and how do we meet them? While learning about recruiting skills, thinking about the bigger picture can make one understand the trends of the job market and prepare oneself for the future.

“Adecco values the potential capabilities of people rather than their appearances, sexual orientation, educational background etc.” Jamie feels satisfied but humble about her time at Adecco. The working vibes and the openness to different ideas at the company even made her want to apply for working full-time if there are chances. At Adecco, Jamie learned more than applying textbooks to practice. “I learned to open my mind to various perspectives and analyze things in a more objective way.” She said.

This just "IN"! Linda Lin's new vision in India.

異鄉新印象:Linda林鴻怡 實習印度、走闖新視野

Linda在結束英國Nottingham Trent University雙學位修業後,由於學校規劃實習為畢業門檻,透過AIESEC的全球人才實習計畫,前往位於南印度的清奈,在商業顧問公司Gajra Pal & Zhu Co.展開為期三個月的實習旅程。





After finishing her studies at Nottingham Trent University, Linda Lin headed to Gajra Pal & Zhu Co. located in Chennai, India for her internship opportunity. "At first, it was to meet the graduation requirements of NTU, but as I experience India, I realized it is my journey." she said.

"People consider me brave coming to a country like India." Before making her trip, Linda didn't have too much impression to India, but the cultural diversity of the country made her courageous, try something else to eat when the food isn't good, solve the housing problems that the company left unsolved. "Now I make myself feel at home at a youth hostel. This can also be a way of making friends from elsewhere in the world!"

There are quite a lot of differences between Taiwan and India when it comes to work. Linda serves her role as the mandarin intern in the company, making contacts to the mandarin-speaking market, translating to make sure the company stands on the same page with the client, she grasps her opportunities to know the possibilities ahead for both markets. The high uncertainty and its mysterious working culture can make people doubt India, but like the movie "Outsourced", Linda put herself into the corporate culture, visited the Taiwan Economic and Cultural Center in Chennai to know more about the market trends between Taiwan an India, and of course, got the tasks from the company done. "The Indian people believe that they can achieve more when they slow down." she observed the Indian people to have better outcomes when taking tea breaks and think what to do next.

"Don't prejudge the Indian people or the country of India. Because it always surprises you, break all your prejudices." The shocking living experience in India provides Linda a new vision. She realizes that perhaps the values, policies and laws are big question marks to Taiwanese people, but as the Taiwanese government working on the new south-bound policy to cope with the rapid-growing Indian market, there is nothing to lose but to gain to make a trip to India. 

【GHRM MBA】Internship at the HRM department of NXP Semiconductors Taiwan

During the second semester at NSYSU, GHRM MBA students had the unique opportunity to gain practical work experience in the HR field through the cooperation with a local company. Each team consisted of 2-4 students and a professor as a supervisor in order to guide through this project. My team and Professor Chi (our supervisor) worked with NXP Semiconductors Taiwan which is located in the Nanzhi Export Processing Zone in Kaohsiung. 

NXP is a global semiconductor manufacturer which creates solutions that enable secure connections for a smarter world. NXP operates in 25 countries and employs approximately 45,000 people worldwide. At the end of 2015, NXP acquired the American company Freescale Semiconductor. 

The goal of the cooperation between NXP Semiconductors and GHRM students was to identify important managerial competencies in order to create a comprehensive competency model for the management team of NXP as well as to conduct a training needs analysis to develop potential training programs. 

After the successful completion of this project, the manager of the HRM department offered me a summer internship position. It was the first time the HRM department offered an internship position to a foreign student. 

I’m grateful for not only having the chance to experience student life in Taiwan, but also to gain an insight into the Taiwanese working culture. 

My projects included the development of a customized comprehensive competency model including hard skills and soft skills for the engineering department of NXP. In light of this, I also developed an outline of customized training programs, specifically, for the engineering department. In addition, I assisted in the creation of a new HR recruiting strategy. I was also allowed to engage in discussions and contribute to decisions via weekly HRM meetings, international conference calls, NXP training days and Town Hall meetings. 

During the internship I had the unique chance to observe the transition of NXP as a single company to the merger of NXP and Freescale and to see how they created a new company culture combined of Eastern and Western values that reaches consensus among all of them. This summer the American management team visited NXP in Kaohsiung to give the local management team and employees the opportunity to get informed about the new outline and goal of this merger. I was lucky to attend meetings, conferences as well as business dinners with the American HRM managers to also gain an insight into the American point of view in regards to the role of human resource management. I developed a much deeper understanding in terms of the importance of aligning the HR strategy with the overall business strategy of the company. 

Throughout the internship, I was happy to see how much knowledge I was able to apply from my studies at the GHRM program. In addition, I also gained new knowledge throughout the projects which will be helpful for my future studies at NSYSU as well as for my future HR career. 

I cheer the new GHRM MBA students to use the Independent Study project to expand their local business network and create internship opportunities. The majority of the business companies pay close attention whether the future employee candidate has gained practical work experience related to the major. Therefore, I encourage everyone to find an internship position during the next summer. Make the summer count! 

Grace 徐慕馨 in HR Dep. of management office in Eternal Materials (長興材料) Co., Ltd

Grace 徐慕馨

A summer intern in the HR department of the management office for Eternal Materials(長興材料) Co., Ltd. Grace serves as an HR assistant, helping the company do Taiwan Training Quality System (TTQS) evaluations, and employee’s performance management portfolios. She also helps set up the HR regulations for its Malaysia subsidiaries. She has realized that HR regulations, either in Taiwan or in Malaysia, have to be based on Labor Law, but sometimes these kinds of law are very difficult to understand. As a future HR graduate, we need to focus more on the country’s regulations and try to understand them, then we can create the company’s HR regulations.

GHRM MBA 2 年級學生 Grace 分享她於今年在長興材料管理處人力資源部的暑期實習經驗 -- 協助公司評核TTQS的相關事務,處理員工績效管理檔案,以及幫助人事課建立有關海外子公司的人事規章制度。Grace協助長興馬來西亞子公司制定管理規章時,深刻瞭解自己不僅對台灣勞動法規相當陌生;當工作需立刻熟讀馬來西亞勞動規章時,更是十分吃力。但 Grace 利用下班時間自行上網搜尋相關文獻、法令,再與公司資深同事討論增進相關知識,幫助她自己找到方法。Grace給學弟妹建議,在實習過程中一定會發生專業能力不足的情況,但這時無須氣餒,而是要抓緊學習的機會,自行吸取相關知識,並與公司資深同事請益增加自我知識。


Vincent 李元愷 intern at HR division of E.SUN Financial Holding Co., Ltd

Vincent 李元愷

GHRM MBA Vincent works as an intern in the HR division of E.SUN Financial Holding Co., Ltd. Vincent applied for the internship from a 104 Internship platform and he successfully received this internship although there were several competitors. His responsibilities include optimizing Management Associate (MA) systems, creating interview competency models, updating the company’s recruiting website,and simplifying the internal recruiting process. E. SUN doesn't treat their interns like rookies, but instead treats them as experienced workers. These challenging activities have helped Vincent with critical thinking, problem solving, and risk management abilities. Vincent encourages GHRM MBA students to search for internship opportunities by themselves as they will cherish the internship even more after finding a company they really love working with. Vincent believes you should come to E.SUN and you can accomplish the most!

心清如玉,義重如山,訴說著玉山金控公司(E.SUN Financial Holding Co., Ltd.)期許自家員工的價值。GHRM MBA 二年級學生李元愷(Vincent),分享在玉山金控人力資源處擔任實習生的經歷。Vincent透過104的實習專區投遞履 歷,經過多重面試關卡,最後脫穎而出,成功獲得實習機會。實習工作主要負責玉山MA(儲備幹部)制度的優化,並和其他實習夥伴們一起建立金融服務人員職能面談模型、更新玉山的徵才網站、精進資訊人員的招募流程等。玉山推行正向組織社會化,時常指派有挑戰性的專案給實習生,從自我實現的層面去激勵員工,從而得到超乎想像的績效。Vincent在玉山,學習到批判性思考,解決問題能力及危機處理能力,而不是當一個聽話的部屬。Vincent坦言:靠自己的能力爭取到的實習機會,會讓自己更有憧憬與動力。更推薦學弟妹來玉山實習, 挑戰自己。

Catherine 賴美瑜 Summer Internship in Moxa Inc.

Catherine 賴美瑜

This summer, Catherine gained unique experiences as an intern at Moxa Inc, which is a high-tech company in Taiwan. She helps out with digitizing the company's employee database and developing expatriate guidebooks. From Catherine's observations, Moxa is dedicated to building its brand on teamwork management and work life balance. At Moxa, employees are invited to participate in regular activities, for example, family day, incentive tours, and sports games. One of the challenges during her internship was her unfamiliarity of the employee database project. With assistance from Moxa's HR team, she was able to handle the project and develop new skills. Catherine strongly encourages everyone to consider and participate in the summer internship program. This is one opportunity where students can apply classroom knowledge in a realistic setting.

人管全英碩程(GHRM MBA)二年級學生賴美瑜Catherine在四零四科技公司( Moxa Inc.)人力資源處實習,主要工作為協助公司更新內部人事資料庫系統與製作「人員外派手冊」。四零四科技公司( Moxa Inc.)是一間勇於在環境動盪劇烈的高科 技產業下,貫徹執行發揮HR機制進而使各部門發揮綜效的公司。美瑜表示: 四 零四科技公司文化如同外商企業,致力於建立雇主品牌、強調團隊共事、員工與主管共同進步;最有意義的是,Moxa重視員工工作及家庭生活平衡,每年固定舉辦家庭日、員工旅遊、運動會。實習過程中,Catherine將公司人事紙本資 料數位化,期間遭遇許多問題,公司人資先進均不吝給予指導,美瑜深刻體會 公司「知識分享,提攜後進」獨特文化。美瑜鼓勵學弟妹積極參與暑期實習, 唯有親自體會HR學術界與業界的聚焦差異,權衡二者後付諸實踐才能內化成自己的隱知識。

Anita Huang, internship at NetDragon Websoft Inc, China.

Anita Huang 黃英紅

Anita Huang, a 2nd year GHRM MBA student at NSYSU has recently finished an internship program at NetDragon Websoft Inc, China. Anita worked hard to find the right internship opportunity for her, attending several interviews from different companies in Taiwan. Eventually, Anita found the opportunity which suited her needs and career aspirations – at NetDragon. NetDragon is a Chinese company that develops and operates multiplayer online games and mobile applications. Working with NetDragon's HR team, Anita was able to develop a broad range of skills and business knowledge. She developed a much deeper understanding of how different departments within a business communicate and operate together. She learned the vitally important role of teamwork in building a positive organizational culture, and different ways in which employees can be motivated and managed to perform. In addition to this, the internship experience also provided insights into how businesses function internationally. One of the challenges during Anita’s internship was to become familiar with NetDragon’s computer software. However, things were made a little easier for Anita, thanks to the innovative communication technology used within the company. The company has developed its own internal communication APP, allowing employees to communicate and share information easily with each other. This APP has been a significant achievement for NetDragon, overcoming traditional challenges of vertical/ horizontal communication. Summing up her experience, Huang said: “Every single day during my internship, I was able to learn something new and exciting – it really opened my eyes to the global challenges facing companies, and how so much of the theory I have learnt during my time on the GHRM MBA program can be applied in practice to help businesses overcome these challenges and grow”.

GHRM MBA 二年級學生黃英紅(Anita)_勇敢追夢 的女孩。英紅在暑假開始前,花了將近一個半月的時間,南北往返,經歷了大 大小小的暑期實習面試。最後,英紅在臉書平台(中山大小事),透過傑青會發 佈的消息參加中國實習面試。憑著自己對HR執著的熱忱,英紅順利進入中國網 龍網絡有限公司(NetDragon Websoft Inc.)暑期實習。網龍組織發展處實習期間, 英紅瞭解網龍公司內部,使用自行研發的專用通訊軟體,打破傳統公司水平與 垂直的溝通的限制,讓員工溝通無虞,提昇員工工作效率,此舉值得台灣企業 借鏡。實習過程中,曾因為對電腦軟體的不熟悉而感到灰心,但主管、同事們 都願意即刻伸出援手,讓英紅備感溫馨,更感受到人資工作者獨有的互助特質 是營造和諧工作氛圍的關鍵。兩個月的實習期間,英紅體認到中國與台灣在晉 升制度、薪資激勵方式、合約要點等的人資決策差別。「實習工作親身觀察的 不同環節,每天都能替自己上一堂新的課」。