GHRM MBA Alumna Esther Shares Her Incredible Exchange Student Experience At Seoul National University, South Korea

GHRM MBA呂欣(Esther)韓國首爾大學交換經驗-不畏疫情,意外融入文化大熔爐




Exchange programs are an excellent opportunity for students to experience an entirely new way of life. It was an immense pleasure for me to get the chance to visit Seoul National University (SNU) as an exchange student. Before coming to SNU, I didn’t know any Korean at all. I was very impressed to see how hardworking the Korean students were in general and the amount of effort they put into academics. Naturally, the courses were intense. Having some classes with local students sometimes was honestly very competitive. I was discouraged after the midterm, but the challenges encouraged me to stay motivated and work harder throughout the semester. 

The process of learning to navigate new administrations and pedagogical styles, living alone in a new environment, making new friends, I sometimes wondered if all of this was worth studying abroad during the pandemic period. But when I booked and planned the next adventure with friends in Korea, I made lifelong friends from all over the world during our time there and genuinely enjoyed our experiences. 

Besides, their exchange student group, SNU Buddy, was incredible. You get to integrate with local and other exchange students from all over the world. The local students tried hard to put together fun events so that everyone could mingle together. Thus, we still needed to be cautious of the risks of getting infected, but none of us regretted seizing the opportunity to study in Korea.

Where The East Meets The West: Joy Lin in Prague

東西交界:林玠妤Joy Lin在布拉格




  與其他交換的同學不同,Joy花在出國旅遊的時間不多,除了偶而跟台灣GHRM MBA的同學在異地踫踫面、一起旅遊之外,她比較常在捷克內享受當地氛圍或者在捷克有名的景點走走。隨著天氣漸漸變冷,Joy就選擇專注在論文上,「這麼冷當然是宅在室內做研究生該做的事情啦!」



Our ever prudent GHRM student, Joy, decided to spend her study abroad semester in the Czech Republic considering the low living cost and the convenience traveling around. Located in central Europe, Czech Republic has a root of eastern European culture, thus, made the country diverse and worth exploring. “The transportation in the Czech Republic is relatively convenient, especially in Prague, where I stay.” She said.

Joy took two courses in Czech Technical University. Her financial management and account management courses challenged her knowledge in English with accents and her ability to concentrate in class. Also, working with local students was quite an experience to her. “Most local students work, so they spend less time on academic studies and it was challenging.”

Spending less time traveling around, aside from meeting her GHRM MBA friends in Europe, Joy preferred to enjoy the vibe in Prague. “After the weather got cold, I was just being dorky and do what a master student should do!” She decided to concentrate on her thesis and research.

In a foreign place like Europe, culture shocks are inevitable. In Prague, the punctuality of transportation was an eye-opening experience to Joy, also the dirt-cheap alcoholic beverages, people can even find beer in McDonald’s. “Speaking one’s native language in a foreign country makes one feel safe.” Joy enjoyed meeting the Taiwanese people in Prague, sharing their traveling experiences and cook themselves some comforting Taiwanese cuisine.



C’est la vie! Eric Lin and His French-Styled Semester.


這就是人生!林冠宇Eric Lin的法式學期


  目前就讀GHRM MBA二年級的Eric是所上的型男大廚,向來積極外向的他在意想不到的情況下去到了法國雷恩商學院,展開不可思議的旅途。「我一開始根本沒有想到自己會錄取雷恩商學院,沒想到這麼幸運!」Eric笑著表示他對法國的陌生感與法國舉世聞名的美食是一開始選填雷恩商學院的原因,「我半點法文都不會,所以這成了我跳脫舒適圈的好機會。」靠著GHRM MBA 的全英文環境,Eric習慣了用英語與人們溝通,也讓他在學習上沒有隔閡。在雷恩商學院的課程中,老師通常都比較嚴肅,「我選了供應鏈管理,是一門比較硬的課,少了一點天馬行空的機會,但課程非常實際,也不失為另一種學習方式。」




GHRM MBA second-year student, Eric Lin, is the ultimate chef of the program. He started his unexpected journey in ESC Rennes School of Business, France. “I never thought I would be accepted by Rennes! I must be lucky!” he smiled. The foreign culture in France was the initial reason Eric chose to apply for Rennes School of Business, and of course the world-famous French cuisine. “I didn't know any French, at all. That’s why it was a perfect chance for me to step outside of my comfort zone.”

With the all-English environment GHRM MBA provides, Eric had no problem communicating with people in life and in school. Among all courses the school provides, Eric chose Supply-Chain Management during his stay. “It was a difficult course. The professor was very serious. Although the course lacked chances for students to be imaginative, it was really useful, which could also be a way of learning.”

Used to be on the NSYSU dragon boat team, Eric also kept working out when staying in Europe. He likes to take a walk in the park there and enjoy some sunlight. He also attended social events and made friends from all over the world. Traveling was an important part of his plans, to not only broaden his horizons but also meeting his GHRM friends in Europe. “Being able to create memories with my friends from the program in Europe is the part I will cherish the most!” he said.

“The trains are often late, which was weird for me at the beginning. The shops also close when it’s supposed to be opened for business. French people are all about themselves.” Coming to France is a mind-blowing experience for Eric, with all the different philosophies of living, stereotypes were broken and alternative ways of treating life were brought to his visions. “I am lucky to have this journey in life. C’est la vie!”


History, Beer, Germany! Tina Cheng's Munich Experience.

Tina Cheng (鄭惠文)在世界啤酒的中心呼喚「2016 我在慕尼黑交換!」


GHRM MBA二年級台灣學生Tina在一年前申請交換時,就把慕尼黑大學(Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München)填在第一個選擇志願中,Tina 除了對於城市賦予盛名的嚮往之外,也因被慕尼黑大學的學術的崇高學術地位所吸引。慕尼黑大學創立於1472年,是歐洲歷史最為悠久的大學之一外,也是德國國內的菁英大學之一,其雄厚的學術研究實力享譽國際,也是培養出多位諾貝爾獎得主的搖籃。

當談到上課的經驗時,Tina 坦言這裏的課都很有「份量」,常會覺得吃緊。她提到這學期修習的一堂課 Basic Topics in Leadership & HR,光這課就有三個授課老師,上課內容豐富不說,老師還會在課中直接和學生討論自己的學術研究主題。「課程名稱寫 Basic 可是一點都不 Basic,花在一堂課的精力簡直可以抵上台灣的三堂課!」她笑著說。

而德國的生活也在經歷了幾個月後,讓 Tina 在比較多國同是西歐開發國家後,有感而發德國物價顯相當親民「民生用品都相當便宜,如果是自己煮飯的話,其實沒有想像中貴。」她說道。而德國人的嚴謹,也一而再地在生活中被證實,她分享在辦銀行戶頭的過程中,光是銀行的密碼就分批寄了四、五封信給他,且網路銀行、轉帳、卡片密碼又都分開處理,沒幾天就會收到一封來自銀行的事情,德國做事態度認真嚴肅讓早有耳聞的她還是感到很驚奇。

大學所位於的城市—慕尼黑,同時是德國南部巴伐利亞區的首都,除了啤酒國際之外,還有另一個附近景點也無人不曉,就是蓋在山腰上、活像是從童話裡走出來的新天鵝堡。在德南,自然美景與歷史建築讓每遊客無不津津樂道,快門聲音不停歇;而富有盛名的啤酒文化也讓啤酒杯互扣,雪鈴般的聲音不斷在耳邊迴響。我們的 Tina 當然也沒錯過極富盛名的慕尼黑啤酒節(Oktoberfest),一同換上巴伐利亞的傳統服飾, 一起握著啤酒杯說聲「乾杯啦!Prost!」


"I'm here!"  We can all hear Tina Cheng's excitement from Munich, Germany, where she spends her exchange semester.

Tina, our GHRM MBA 2nd-year student goes to  Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU in abbreviation) in Germany for an exchange semester. The university is not only known for the city where it locates, also its great academic achievements and honors. The school has been considered as one of Germany's as well as one of Europe's most prestigious universities. Not to mention how many Nobel Prize winners had spent their time in the university when they were young. 

The great honor never goes easy to lectures, the loading of each class is considerably heavier than that Tina has had before. In her "Basic Topics in Leadership and Human Resource" class, there are 3 instructors in total, each of them try to bring as much as possible to the lecture, even invite students to discuss their current or past research works through in-class discussions. "Learning here is not easy, the effort which students are required to put in one class is three times more than one in Taiwan," she said.

Comparing with other developed European countries in Western Europe, the living cost in Germany is relatively low. "The price of goods you can see in supermarkets is not expensive, so we usually buy from supermarkets and cook in the dorm" she mentioned. Tina also experienced how serious and careful German people are when she registered her bank account there. "Just to set account codes, the bank sent me 5 emails, and they were all about the code. Then the same thing happened to every service I applied, money transferring, the card, changing the code of the card... I got emails almost every three days!" she said.

The city, Munich, where Tina studies, is also referred as "the city of beer". Located in Bavaria area, the southern part of Germany, there are thousands of visitors visiting the city for Oktoberfest and the world famous attraction: New Swanstone Castle (Neuschwanstein) every year. The area attracts travelers to keep their arms up for taking pictures of nature, castles, and raise their hands up for another glass of beer in the festival. Dressed up in the traditional Bavarian "Dirndl" and sitting in the crowds, Tina has raised her hands up with a glass of beer, and chanted "Time for beer! Prost!"  


To Travel is To Learn : Vincent Lee's Amazing Journey

學旅哲--- Vincent李元愷 學習與世界觀的中點

「慢慢的感受到,去哪裡不再是那麼重要,而是努力讓自己無論到哪裡,都能體會當地帶給我們的事物」--- Vincent 在羅馬尼亞

不同於同期學生,GHRM MBA台灣學生 Vincent 李元愷決定先完成碩士論文後,再好好享受在歐洲半年遊歷的交換學校生活。現在的他,於瑞士蘇黎世應用科技大學(Zurich University of Applied Science) 交換學習,因過去曾經造訪一次瑞士留下極佳印象後,在考慮地理位置、治安環境後決定再將自己落腳在瑞士。

除了昂貴的物價之外,在瑞士的一切生活都讓 Vincent 很滿意,他特別提到當地的自來水都可以直接飲用,而且幾乎每一個水龍頭都有熱水。但還是有一件事情讓他花了一些時間才真正習慣,那就是——行人至上的馬路禮儀!在瑞士,任何車輛看到行人一定都會先停下,直到行人穿越馬路後車輛才繼續前行。「在這邊大家都會直接穿越馬路;但在台灣,一定都會先停、再看,交通禮儀差距很大。」

而已經旅行無數歐洲國家的 Vincent ,表示自己有像蟑螂一樣的適應能力,從西歐到東歐,甚至是巴勒斯坦、以色列,他在每一趟旅行中設法貼近當地,感受人事物所帶給他的體悟,再得出專屬這趟旅程的感想。在體驗過熱門城市的喧囂後,Vincent 近期的旅程中反而改造訪冷門的小國,他提到「雖然網路上的參考資料少到無法排行程,但漫無目的的計畫反而更能用心感受小國家不為人知的一面」。

「當目的地是何處不再重要之後,反而到哪裡都可以有所收穫。」這是Vincent 在多趟旅行後油然而生的體會。在充滿悲傷的奧斯維辛,是一輩子到訪一回就足夠的衝擊;在伯利恆耶穌誕生的馬槽教堂,親眼目睹的深刻讓他感動的難以形容;在沒有星巴克的耶路撒冷,從一杯加了丁香和豆蔻的咖啡中品味中東。

祝福 GHRM MBA旅人 Vincent ,蒐集滿滿的旅行感動後再回來和我們分享吧!祝好運!


“As long as I have traveled to several countries, I started to realize that the most important thing in a journey to me is trying to experience the local and listen carefully what is it going to tell...” --- Derived from Vincent's Facebook post.

Instead of going abroad in the second academic year, Vincent, our 3rd-year GHRM MBA student, goes abroad after finishing his master thesis in this June. Considering the life quality and safety issue, he decided to choose Zurich as his exchange destination when he was applying. Now he is currently studying at Zurich University of Applied Science in Switzerland.  

"Everything is fine in Switzerland, except for the price" he laughed. However, one thing which took Vincent a while to get used to is "crossing roads". In Switzerland, car drivers will show their great politeness to pedestrians, almost every driver will stop when there are pedestrians come close to the road and try to cross. Comparing to Taiwan, people have been taught and told to stop and watch out for cars before crossing roads since childhood.  

When it comes to traveling, Vincent says he has agile adaptability like cockroaches when he travels. From Western Europe to Eastern Europe, he has been to several countries in Europe and even to Israel and Palestine. He tries to get close to the local and experience the life in each country he has visited, and sum up a reflection to everyplace he has been to. "At the beginning, I traveled to popular countries like everyone else do, but recently, the places where I visited and the countries where I am planning to go are relatively less attractive to visitors from all over the world. Although there is not enough information related those places I can get from the Internet, still, I open my mind to feel and experience when I am there." Vincent said.

When the destination is not important anymore, every single place is worth traveling around. In Auschwitz, he sensed the deepest sorrow from the tour of the concentration camp. In  Bethlehem, he was overwhelmed by joyful feelings when standing in front of Jesus' birthplace. In Israel, he experienced the local life with the taste of a cup of coffee with cardamom and cloves flavors. "That is the purpose of travel to me." Vincent smiled.

We are grateful to have Vincent sharing his amazing journeys with us, and look forward to knowing more about his trips when he comes back! Good luck, traveler! 


Michael Sun Enjoys His Exchange Life in Linz, Austria!

" Work hard, play harder".  GHRM二年級台灣生  Michael孫健恆的異國交換體驗


因緣際會之下,Michael 來到位於奧地利林茲的 JKU Linz 作為研究所二年級的交換學校。在出發奧地利之前,Michael 對奧地利生活的想像是一個嚴謹又奢華的音樂之國;但實際在這歐洲生活了三個月之後,除了絕美的自然環境療癒他學習的身心之外,對於奧地利與台灣之間的生活差異,就讓 Micahel 來跟大家分享一下。

「以前在台灣不太會去感覺到生活機能方便這件事情,但一到歐洲就完全不相同」在林茲,店家早早晚上七點打烊休息去,週日則是完全不營業,去超市採買食材或是辦事情都要挑時間,深怕去晚了就又得等上一天。Michael 提到,他發現在一些特別的小節日,一些商家還會小小偷懶,比預定營業時間晚開門,然後又早早打烊關店。和台灣普遍商家營業到九點、十點的情形相比,實在是很難習慣。

認真玩也認真學習的 Michael 在林玆大學一共修了五門課,因為林玆大學注重交換學生的課堂參與和學習,要求交換學生的修課數和出席率。在他的課表中,有一門行銷課讓 Michael 列為大魔王課,每週上課前都讓他緊張刺激指數不停攀升。該門課要求學生課前先讀過兩篇指定論文,上課時,老師直接隨機抽籤,抽中的學生必須馬上到台前報告。「整堂課只有我一個亞洲人,其他都是歐美學生,我真是咬緊牙關給他撐過去了」吃緊的課程讓 Michael 的交換學習生活充滿了自我挑戰。 

這三個月來 Micahel 也會趁著週末小假日到附近國家走走,目前的他已經集到奧地利、德國、匈牙利、捷克的旅行回憶。而今年也會是 Michael 人生中第一次在國外跨年,已經做好跨年計畫的他,透露了他目前規劃去瑞典跨年,接著去波羅的海三小國去度過接下來的假期。當問到了他在歐洲旅行的感想,他感性地說 「走到哪裡都很有文藝氣息,但最美的風景還是人。」

謝謝 GHRM MBA奧地利特派記者 Michael 的分享,GHRM MBA也要從台灣集氣祝福給他,讓他平安度過五門期末考。Michael 衝了!


Our GHRM MBA2nd-year student, Michael Sun, is doing his exchange program in Austria now! Come checking out what he is going to share with us from there.

Michael is currently staying in JKU (Johannes Kepler University) Linz, Austria. With its arm distance from Vienna, it takes one hour away by train to get to the university. “My first image of the country was music, music, and music.” he smiled. After spending 3 months living there, Michael would like to share his daily life in Austria and how he perceives the differences between there and Taiwan. 

In the city where Michael studies now, most of the shops only open until 7 pm during the weekdays and closed on Sunday. Shop owners even open fewer hours than usual if it comes to some small holidays or local holidays. Michael has to rush to the supermarket after finishing his classes, or he has to wait for another day to go grocery shopping. “That is very different from Taiwan. I used to have some late night food when I was in NSYSU, but now, NO WAY!” 

When it comes to the courses of school, Michael said that since the university pays attention to student involvement and class participation from exchange students as well, it is required to take 5 courses there according to his curriculum. Although he has a tight time schedule in school, still, he learns a lot from his courses. His Tuesday marketing class impresses him the most. “Everyone has to read 2 assigned papers before the class. When the class starts, the instructor will randomly pick students to do presentations in front of everyone. Everyone is excited and nervous at the moment! You won’t know if you are the picked one until the last second!” he said.

"Study hard and play harder". From September to present days, Michael has been to Hungary, Germany and Czech Republic for traveling. Besides that, he is planning to visit Sweden on new year 's eve, and then travel to the Baltic States as his following trips. Michael really enjoys the time when he travels in Europe, and he is going to explore more before he coming back to Taiwan. Good luck, Michael!


Anita Huang - Greetings from France!

Anita Huang 黃英紅

GHRM MBA二年級的Anita目前正在法國的 ESC Rennes School of Business 進行交換計畫。ESC Rennes在當地以富有國際學習氛圍之盛名,綜合國際學生與國際教授之比例高達八成,因此,絕大多數的課程皆以英文授課。

國際化的學習環境與資源,讓Anita感受到有別於自己過去的台灣經驗。「我修習的課很多都是國際老師上課。課堂上,老師就像扮演著結合理論與實際的橋樑一樣,不但帶領我們思考,更啟發學生更上一層地去探索這個領域」。除了課堂,Anita的寢室也是個小小聯合國。她與來自柬埔寨、哥倫比亞的同學共寢一室,彼此間的交談不設限於在ESC Rennes的生活,也相互分享彼此的母國文化與經驗。

在ESC Rennes的生活裡,使用英文就能夠讓生活溝通相當順利,但喜愛接觸多種語言的Anita也不放棄學習法文的機會,而異地天然環境也幫助新語言的學習,讓自己悠游在這個浪漫的國度。


「生活到目前為止都很棒,我得到比原先預期的還多!無論是學習、朋友、還是生活,我好像都再次找到了熱忱。在ESC Rennes的一切都讓我享受其中。」


Anita is a lovely girl of GHRM MBA family who is spending her exchange time at ESC Rennes School of Business France. ESC Rennes is famous for the international studying atmosphere where over 80% of students as well as the professors come from other countries. Most of the courses are taught in English so there is no language barrier in the class. However, living in France without learning the language is really a missing. Except English and Japanese, another language that Anita always loves to learn is French. She prepared some basic French beforehand which is really useful for her to explore this beautiful country.

At ESC, the professors from other countries have totally different way of teaching from Taiwanese, Anita thinks. They focus on bridging the theories and reality, and additionally, try to inspire students to be interested in the areas. She said: “Here, I find back my passion of learning”.

Coming to France, Anita also plans to travel around Europe just like her Taiwanese friends. Although she had never tried  traveling alone before, this time, she went to Germany on her own for 6 days. Now she is planning to go to Turkey and other countries and very excited about that.

Telling about the people she met in France, Anita mentioned her two roommates, who come from Colombia and Nigeria: “We talk a lot, I learn about their countries and how they live. Love the life of living with them”.

Anita’s summarize for her exchange life is:  “Excellent! I get more than I have expected. No matter the life, school, or people, they are totally new and surprising to me. Really enjoy everything here!”