Benefits of GHRM English MBA 學程優勢

Do you want to have connections with companies in Southeast Asia? If so, studying in the GHRM English MBA is the best choice for you. Most of our HR alumni are currently working as HR managers in several different areas. These Alumni have a strong demand for international talent among students, particularly those interested in working within Asia.

Would you also like connections in Europe? Our department has also just reached an agreement with a Nottingham Trent University, England. Students who participate in the program get the opportunity to receive multiple degrees. Not only would you receive your MBA degree in the GHRM MBA program, you would also receive a degree from an accredited England University. You'd get the chance to take courses in the UK, as well, you might be given an internship which will help you gain more international experience. Joining this program you would have two diplomas, one from Asia, and one from UK!

Did you ever think you would be able to speak Chinese? The GHRM MBA program is the only program, that requires less university credits so that you have the time to study and learn Chinese! What's even better, is that there are free Chinese courses offered by the university. Upon graduating, GHRM MBA graduates will have the Chinese ability and skills to speak and pass a Chinese proficiency test.


讓GHRM拓展你的視野 --
申請GHRM MBA培養你的多元能力,妥善運用校友資源讓你與產業更靠近。一直以來,中山人管所校友遍佈台灣企業之HR單位之最,且校友積極提攜具國際競爭力之後輩投入產業,一同打拼亞洲市場。

想和位於東南亞的公司有所連結嗎?如果想,中山人管全英碩士學程(GHRM MBA)絕對是你最好的選擇!我們的校友現今都在不同領域擔任HR經理,強烈希望和具有國際競爭力、而且想專攻亞洲市場的後輩一起工作。

還是你想飛過半個地球前往歐洲?GHRM MBA已和英國的諾丁漢特倫特大學簽下雙學位,來GHRM MBA申請雙學位計畫,你就能取得國立中山大學及英國諾丁漢特倫特大學的國際企業管理 (International Business) MSc雙碩士學位。你可以在英國修課還有機會申請在英國實習,讓你更走進國際世界、獲得更多全球經驗。加入GHRM MBA,你可以同時擁有亞洲及英國的雙碩士學位!