Alex Chao: Rock Your LinkedIn Profile, Now!
/管理學院人力資源管理全英語碩士學位學程 (GHRM MBA)榮幸地邀請領英(LinkedIn) 台灣區業務團隊代表,具豐富職涯經驗的趙培強講師(Alex Chao),至林鈺杰博士指導之「企業諮詢方法與實作」課程演講;除了講解如何有效使用LinkedIn讓學生於就業市場提升競爭力,更不吝將自身人生閱歷分享給同學。
Link Your Career
Utilizing LinkedIn for your future
為幫助同學更認識LinkedIn和其他社群軟體的不同,Alex運用顯而易懂的”甜甜圈Donuts”來舉例 : 當你在使用臉書、Instagram,你只是在按一張有甜甜圈的照片讚;但在LinkedIn,你卻是在向全球超過6.75億LinkedIn使用者表示,我想經營賣甜甜圈的連鎖店、我的技能是推銷甜甜圈、我有三年多的經驗能夠管理甜甜圈製造工廠,進而吸引相關公司主動聯繫並提供職位給用戶。
Alex說明和一般求職網站、履歷相比,LinkedIn除了頁面更活潑,讓人資經理能更一目了然外,也提及LinkedIn的即時更新性,人資能更輕易的接觸並瀏覽,也大大提升使用者的求職效率。更進一步提及如何讓之後成為社會新鮮人-學生的簡介頁面(profile)看起來更專業,其中包含5要點(5 must-have):
1. 教育背景 : 除了詳填學歷外、你所參加並領導的社團和獲得的殊榮,都是重點
2. 照片: 只能放自己獨照、不要放全身照,而是肩膀以上並且臉帶微笑、背景需要為中性色調、如果不是設計美術相關,所放照片不要營造出羅曼蒂克的氛圍
3. 經歷 : 除了將自己重點實習經驗、寒暑期工讀經驗,更需要實質地闡述在這些工作經驗中你所達成了那些目標
4. 志工經驗 : 雖然這些不是正式的工作經歷,但很多人資經理卻相當地重視求職者是否有志工服務經驗
5. 技能 : 數量不在多,在於是否實際且準確符合就業市場,最終人資面試時,能馬上辨別求職者資料的正確吻合度
LinkedIn’s Taiwan Sales Manager Alex Chao who has extensive work experience was invited to NSYSU by GHRM MBA, College of Management. In additional to speeching how students could have a better utilization of LinkedIn to enhance their competitiveness when finding a job, Alex also shared his precious life path for students.
In order to help students realize the difference between LinkedIn and others social media, Alex used an easy-understand example -“Donuts”: When you use Facebook and Instagram, your clicking on the “like” button on the picture of donut just means that you like it, whereas on LinkedIn, you show more than 675 million LinkedIn users globally that you want to franchise a donuts store, you are skillful at selling donuts or you have more than 3 years’ experience in managing a donuts factory. You may attract interested companies to get in contact with you and you might receive a job offer as a result.
Alex gave students a further explanation on LinkedIn: Comparing to some job searches and resume, LinkedIn’s main page is more vivid, and is more likely to impress HR managers. You can update LinkedIn instantly and it is easier and more approachable for HR to view. This can also boost the efficiency for users to find jobs. He further offered advice to fresh graduates on how to make the profile pages look more professional:
1. Education background: Provide detailed education information, school clubs you have joined and honors and awards you have received.
2. Profile picture: A solo photo, do not put a full-body shot, instead put one that is taken from the top of the shoulder to the top of your head with a nature smile. Do not use filters. The background color should be neutral. If you are not going to apply for work in art field, do not create a romantic atmosphere
3. Experience: Besides mentioning internship or part time job experience in winter and summer vacation, provide a substantial elaboration on what you have achieved through those experiences is more important.
4. Volunteer experience: Many hiring managers actually consider volunteer experience equally as valuable as paid work experience.
5. Skills: Do not list everything on list, instead you should check if the skill you are going to mention is precisely enough to the eligibility of the position you are going to apply.
Alex then told students job market is rapidly shifting. It is always unpredictable to estimate when the next crisis will approach. Therefore, it’s important to build and maintain a good network as well as make good impression on others. Especially, some senior positions are often introduced by referrers. When you are using LinkedIn, you can proactively follow corporates you are interested in, corporate directors and influencers. And do not underestimate what you are doing at this stage, as the efforts you’re putting into now might pay off in ways you never imagined.
Lastly, Alex suggested that when the students are looking for jobs, only if they choose what they are passionate for as their job, they can enjoy their work thoroughly. We also need to improve ourselves all the time so we are able to face the instability of the world. At the end of speech, Alex provided his LinkedIn account for students to follow. If students have any questions, they can contact him directly via LinkedIn.