Interview with Yulya Balkhanova – alumna of GHRM English MBA Program.

Ms. Yulya Balkhanova is from Russia and she has been in Taiwan for almost 7 years now. Yulya got her bachelor’s degree in National Chung Cheng University (NCCU) in Chiayi and immediately decided to continue her studies at NSYSU’s GHRM English MBA Program. One of friends, who studied at NSYSU, often invited Yulya to Kaohsiung to visit the city and once after visiting NSYSU campus, Yulya decided to come back here for master’s degree.

“The best thing about NSYSU and GHRM English MBA Program is the opportunity to meet people from different cultures and work with them as a team. I’ve met many interesting people and had lots of fun communicating with them. My favorite subjects were Professor David McConville’s “Work and Culture” and “Independent Studies”. Both courses are very practical and have helped me with many things such as resume writing and team working. I didn’t have that many difficulties, but if I had a problem, Cindy and Natasha always helped me a lot and for that I’m very grateful.” – share her experience Yulya. Besides her studies, Yulya and her friends took a part in international food market – sold some self-made Russian food.

Yulya says she would definitely recommend GHRM English MBA Program, because you learn things you can later apply at your workplace, also meet many different people, learn how to be a part of a team, and finally make friends.

Now Yulya works in Taipei for a trading company, her position is a Project Manager (with responsibilities including talking to customers and offering them best solutions for their needs, working with technical documentation, updating the contents of company’s website, etc.)

We are very glad and proud that our alumni are successful in finding jobs after they graduate from GHRM English MBA Program and wish Yulya and all other good luck.