《110-1_GHRM508》10 Nov., Field Trip to AGRIGAIA SOCIAL ENTERPRISE

On the 10th of November 2021, students of Business Ethics & Social Responsibility, Organizational Politics and Entrepreneurship & Human Resource Management, instructed by Dr Ryan Brading, went for a field trip to AgriGaia company. 

AgriGaia Social Enterprise is a company that implements green technologies for making its products- Herbal. Students visited AgriGaia’s organic farm in Kaohsiung’s Qishan district. The director of AgriGaia – Ms Vanessa, welcomed students and introduced them to a unique greenhouse. The design of the greenhouse helps maintain the right temperature and protects plants from different weather conditions or insects.

The field trip also connected with the hot issue “SDG”. Ms Vanessa also talked about how they achieved SDG goals this year. She encouraged students to understand more about it. During the visit, students had the chance to plant their vegetables. We finished the visit by Q&A and taking pictures together with the director. Field Trip to AgriGaia was a precious experience. Students learned how local companies work on sustainability and social responsibility.