《111-1_Internship Sharing》劉耑妍 Onica Liu shares her internship experience of working at PChome Online Inc.
總結來說,我覺得只要有機會大家都可以試著去找找看適合自己的實習,因為學校跟職場能夠學習到的事物層次真的很不一樣。實習是真的能夠讓自己在短時間內與企業做接軌,累積經驗和成長的速度也會比在學校還要快上許多!最後分享一句實習結訓的時候我mentor送我的話給大家 : 「I never lose, I either win or learn.」-Mandela 希望大家不要害怕去嘗試所有想要體驗的事物,儘管過程中會迷茫會碰壁,但是每一次經驗其實都是學習的一部分,只要我們不斷的嘗試並從失敗中獲得經驗,所有的一切都會變成我們的養分的!相信大家只要努力不管在哪裡都能夠發光發熱的,期待大家能夠持續開箱自己的無限可能!
This summer vacation, I had my internship at PChome Online, which is the most famous e-commerce enterprise in Taiwan. I worked in the human resources development team, one of the sections of the HR department. And the reason why I chose to look for an internship opportunity was because I believe having some practical experiences before going to graduate school would be great, and I wanted to try something different, so this forced me to find a suitable internship for myself. In the beginning, I just wanted to give it a try, but I never thought that I would be able to stand out from more than 1,800 resumes and become one of the interns in this company. Although I spent some time adapting to the way that people work in Taipei, I still enjoyed the time working at PChome Online. It was a wonderful experience to complete projects in different fields with other partners.
During my internship in the Human Resources Department, I participated in many projects and activities in different fields, such as employee recruitment plans, training lectures, caring activities, etc. However, among all the activities, the summer intern program project was the one I put the most effort into. To accomplish the goal, our team arranged many training courses and competitions in different fields for the interns, hoping everyone can get the chance to know and learn from interns across departments. Meanwhile, to achieve the balance between work and life, we also planned caring activities such as intern gathering events, to understand more about their needs and to optimize the program.
The most rewarding thing about this project was that I got to know many friends from different schools and departments. We would often exchange ideas with each other in our spare time, to get many different viewpoints on the same thing. In addition, while optimizing the intern program, i was also doing employer brand rejuvenation for the company. Designing courses and activities in a creative way can not only make the participants more involved in the events but also allow others to explore more expectations and prospects of the company, which may attract better talents to join us!
Last but not least, I think everyone should try to find an internship because we can always learn more from the workplace than from school. By having an internship, we can connect with companies and get practical experiences within a short period. Mandela said, "I never lose, I either win or learn." Try all the things you want to experience, even though you may face some challenges, but as long as you keep trying, everything will become your nutrients. Hope everybody can find the most suitable internship in the future!