Rick Liu 劉文章: HR Practice, Trends and Challenges



中美和石油化學股份有限公司於1976年由英國BP Global與台灣中油公司共同投資成立,目前資本額到達新台幣70億餘元,是台灣PTA製造中的佼佼者。

GHRM MBA本次邀請到的講者---Rick劉文章,在中美和工作32年(現已退休),身為前人資長,Rick用不同的高度看待台灣人力資源管裡的發展,透過統計資料佐證,與在場的GHRM學生(未來人資主管們!)討論現代人力資源管理所面臨的挑戰。






CAPCO Co.,Ltd was established in 1976 as a joint venture of BP Global and Taiwan’s CPC Corporation. At present, CAPCO's capital reaches NT$7.072 billion, 61% of the stocks held by BP (process technology developer) while the rest of 39% held by Taiwan CPC.

As part of our independent studies course in the second semester in GHRM MBA, there are speeches provided by professionals in the human resource field. The first presentation was given by Rick Liu, the retired HR director from CAPCO, advisor for Chinese Human Resource Management Association (CHRMA), and a consultant for HR Academy Business Group, 104 Corporation.

In the presentation, he talked a lot about the present situation around the world with regards to human resources. For many countries, the implementation of big data is becoming increasingly important. He talked specifically about Google and their HR practices. Google is a leader in the HR field. The company uses data-based people management. Currently, it has the only data-driven HR. All people decisions at Google are based on what they can find from data and analytics. He talked about some things such as what Google thinks of employees taking breaks, or the food they eat when they go to the cafeteria, and how this can be reflected in better HR practices. 

The good and bad news for future HR professionals is that the importance of the field is growing. It is bad because many companies do not place a huge emphasis on the power of human resources, however, Mr. Liu did state that this is slowly changing. The fast-growing economy and the business structure in the 70s has its influences on the current HR management problems in Taiwan, but with the heavy information flow, the younger generation generally has a better idea on how to keep the talents. The lack of human capital also leads corporations to collect ideas on keeping talents and developing the human resource philosophy, which can make the working environment more attractive to the young, talented people.

To summarize, Mr. Liu felt optimistic about the future of human resources. He understands the challenges that HR professionals face when they graduate university and hopes that business culture might change in Taiwan and around the world. At the same time, he remains hopeful to the future HR management. It was an honor to have him here at GHRM MBA sharing his ideas with the potential future HR managers.