



477100002 王○特      477100003 簡○甯      477100006 劉○其
477100007 楊○澴      477100010 劉○妍      477100011 王○祐
477100013 楊○紋      477100014 朱○璇      477100015 羅○旻
477100016 林○妮      477100017 張○穎      477100018 王○于
477100019 蔡○茹      477100022 王○玉      477100023 李○陞
477100024 王○欣      477100025 林○豪      477100026 林○維
477100028 陳○瑜      477100029 余○晴      477100032 郭○恆
477100033 薛○諭      477100034 李○緯      477100035 林○潔
477100036 張○青      477100037 吳○塔      477100038 何○翔
477100039 蔡○蓉      477100040 張○玉      477100041 阮○綺
477100042 林○瑜      477100043 周○琳      477100046 劉○瑜

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《110-2》EMBA Alumni Gathering 2022: Memories And Lessons

Networking is one of the most crucial aspects of modern life, particularly in the business sector, and it is critical at all phases of a businessman's career. On the basis of this thought and the goal of maintaining strong ties between academic units, a few international IBMBA and GHRM MBA students were invited to the E-DA Royal Hotel by outstanding EMBA  alumni who are now working as directors, managers and even owners of their own businesses in Taiwan and overseas. Through the event, the students got the opportunity to interact with the alumni, and receive invaluable life and career advice.  

On Sunday, February 13th, the meeting was held at Kaohsiung's E-DA Royal Hotel. The event began at 11.30 a.m. with speeches by selected graduates and was followed by a formal lunch during which alumni approached all tables, including those of the IBMBA and GHRM MBA students, and proposed a toast to a prosperous new tiger year, as well as best wishes for their future professional and personal lives. Such personal encounters are by far the most popular strategy, as they instill a sense of comfort and assurance in participants, which was really appreciated by everybody. At the event's conclusion, each participant was blessed with a box of wax apples and a red envelope.

Aside from an invitation to the event for lunch and also the shuttle bus service, the generous EMBA alumni also provided a ticket to E-DA Theme Park as a special gift to each international IBMBA and GHRM MBA student. The participants were able to enjoy a quality time with each other at the theme park before the start of the new semester. Kylie Nguyen, IBMBA 1st Year student, commented, 

“It was a very nice time to sit and talk with your friends and other alumni. I was very impressed by the successful, humble and thoughtful alumni from EMBA and it was my honor to have the chance to speak with them. The food was very delicious and the atmosphere was so nice with music and laughter. I do wish that in the future, our class of 2023 could do such a reunion even though we are from all over the world. Once again, I am so grateful for the SA and the college to give me this chance. I hope that in the future, I could have the opportunity to go to such event” - Kylie Nguyen, IBMBA 1st Year student 

The event provided an opportunity for students from GHRM MBA and IBMBA to connect with EMBA alumni and receive excellent information that will undoubtedly aid them in their future careers. Alumni networking is critical because it enables students to network with professionals at all levels, obtain career assistance, and build their professional confidence. Finally, the reunion was especially joyful for international students who were unable to spend the holidays with their family.

GHRM MBA and IBMBA is grateful to EMBA alumni for hosting such an event, not forgetting about NSYSU international program students, for the food and the gifts. We hope that such events will be organized in the near future as well. 

Group photo at E-DA Royal Hotel with prof. Sher and prof. Kim

International students chatting with EMBA alumni

《110-1_GHRM652》19 Oct Dr. Charles Tseng “Thriving in another culture”

On the 19th of  October, Dr. Charles Tseng served as a  guest speaker for the course Work and Culture which, was instructed by professor Francois Bouchetoux. Dean Dr. Tseng graduated from the Department of Economics of Dartmouth College of the American Ivy League and later obtained a Doctorate of Medicine from the University of Southern California. He used to be a specialist in otolaryngology and head and neck surgery at the University of Washington School of Medicine. On July 17, 2009, the Yoshida Otolaryngology Clinic was founded. Due to its  excellent medical facilities and services, it is famous in the southern Kaohsiung area for ENT treatment. 

Dr. Tseng began with a story about his experiences working in Asia. Dr. Tseng grew up in the United States but once he got the opportunity to do the surgery in China, he felt surprised with the Chinese culture. He mentioned some ways to survive culture shocks. The impressive one was “Don’t withdraw from the situation, rather, explore it!” He encouraged students no matter where they will go, just remember to explore, it will be a precious gift for them. 

Dr. Tseng was also a responsible person, he said “ some doctors heal patients but forget themselves.” In the middle of the lecture, he gave students some tips to keep healthy. He thought he should not only take the responsibility for his patients but also himself. Therefore, he started to exercise regularly and eat healthy for a healthy life. These factors made him work efficiently and feel relaxed. 

At the end of the lecture, students asked him questions to know more about the culture shock experiences and how to keep healthy. Dr. Tseng answered every question carefully and decently. At the end, we had a group photo and appreciated the efforts from Dr. Charles tseng.

《110-1_GHRM531》18 Oct Dr. Ying Lee Tseng “ Thesis Writing”

On 18 October, Dr. Ying Lee Tseng, Assistant Researcher at National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology (NKUST), served as the guest speaker for the course Thesis Writing, taught by professor Francois Bouchetoux. She was a former member of the KMT, holds a double master's degree in Economic Law and International Trade Policy from George Mason University in the United States, and has experience in election affairs as well. She also served as the Deputy Director-General of the Kaohsiung Taiwan-Japan Economic, Trade and Cultural Exchange Association, and also as the Operating Director of an international consulting company.

Dr. Tseng divided her lecture into three parts including “who is Dr. Ying Lee Tseng”, “The General of Thesis Writing” and “What is Plagiarism?”. In the first part, students fully understood who the speaker was, and was very interested in her background. Regardless of her educational background, career, or political views, she had vast experience to share and provided practical suggestions to students. 

In the second part, the main topic was  “Thesis Writing”, and she shared some experiences from her Ph.D. studies such as how to find the topic, how to get the resource, and how to organize the information. The last part is about plagiarism, this was an important issue for writing a thesis, therefore Dr. Tseng spent more time explaining and letting students ask questions. She hoped that students can learn more from her through this lecture. 

At the end of the lecture, Dr. Tseng gave the students some words, she said “Writing Thesis is very tough, so you have to be patient and always positive. If you are tired, go somewhere to take a rest. Pay attention to what you have learned in the process, you don’t need to rush for the results.” In the end,  a group photo was taken to commemorate the event. 

《110-2》實作力就是你的超能力 _GHRM MBA實習分享會


星展銀行 (DBS)




台灣諾和諾德藥品股份有限公司 (Novo Nordisk)

中山大學管院GHRM MBA 二年級學生在2021年12月30日下午舉辦線上實習分享會,吸引超過30位中山學生參與聆聽5位目前就讀於GHRM MBA 二年級的優秀學長姊分享人資實習經驗、職涯實務分享。五位學長姊分別在各大不同領域之本國、外國公司實習,包含在達發科技人資處的Crystal (曾郁菁)學姊、艾司摩爾人才招募的 (黃湘庭) Luna學姊、星展銀行人力資源共用服務中心的Susan (林紓含)學姊、Novo Nordisk人資部的Daniel (賴嘉恩)學長及台灣福興企劃部的Mandy (陳孟筠)學姊,他們皆進行為期一學期至一學年之實習。






在經過實習的洗禮後,在星展銀行實習的Susan分享到:「人資是一間公司的support team,在為他人創造價值同時,也在為自己創造價值。」人資的工作雖然例行性的行政工作繁雜,但是需要注意留心的細節不少。要有主動學習、多多了解公司的心態,並定期的檢視自己的工作成果。不要僅把自己定位成HR,跨領域的學習更可以創造出更多更新的價值。






艾司摩爾人才招募的Luna需要負責履歷過濾和第一關的電話面試,並且進行ATS(Applicant Tracking System)的管理以及維護艾司摩爾亞洲區(台灣、中國、日本、韓國、新加坡)的HR工作手冊。在進行ATS管理時,可以讓公司擁有更有效率的收集履歷方式、建立起一個完整的人才數據庫。


Novo Nordisk人資部的Daniel負責招募、教育訓練以及HR專案計畫,可以在他分享中了解到跨國公司的人才招募流程,每年的招募名額皆須要有詳細的計畫制定及安排,且需要經由總部的通過才能執行。也分享了因應疫情影響,所發展及加速推廣出來的教育學習訓練方式。



當然,在人資相關部門實習的學長姐們,也不吝與大家分享他們時如何尋找實習,以及人資在看履歷時,注重的Do’s and Don’ts。

同學們需要隨時準備好自己,並且定期更新檢視自己的履歷。要培養出習慣隨時瀏覽各大網站的資源,每一間公司的招募實習生時程皆有所不同,往往想要開始尋找相關實習職缺時,已經晚別人很多步囉!履歷撰寫時則要陳述事實,有連貫及邏輯性,量化自己的表現,且謹記STAR (Situation、Task、Action、Result)原則。期待參加完實習分享會的同學們,都可以找到自己理想中的實習機會,拓展自己的實力喔!

《110-1_GHRM508》25 Nov., Mr Ryan Fernandez & Mr Graham Dart: Business Ethics and Tough Decisions

On 25 November 2021 GHRM MBA alumni and entrepreneurs Mr. Ryan Fernandez and Mr. Graham Dart, provided a guest lecture for the students of Business Ethics & Social Responsibility, Organizational Politics, and Entrepreneurship & Human Resource Management. Dr. Ryan wanted students not only to think precisely but to learn from others. He said, "Learning to think from different aspects is the core value of the guest lecture." The guest lecture was held on the 11th floor of the library, EMBA Center. 

Mr Ryan and Graham are the owners of Brickyard, Cijin Sunset bar, Kaohsiung BJJ & MMA, and Black Dog Pub. As foreign businessmen in Taiwan, they have a rich experience and solid knowledge to share with students. Students were all ready for the fascinating journey of two tough men. 

At the beginning of the lecture, Mr. Ryan asked students to come up with some ideas of what they would do to challenge them as a competitor. Students were so excited during the discussion. It seemed like a reality show where all the participants needed to express their ideas to the judges, let them decide whether they wanted to take it or not. One of the students, Patrick from Finland, even got the chance to implement his idea in Cijin Sunset Bar. What an unforgettable experience for him. 

After that, the lecture started with the “Tough Decisions” part, and it was very fascinating to bring students into the real world. Mr. Ryan said “What will you do when you get into these troubles?”, and he started to elaborate on the difficulties they have met before, the most interesting one is “Employee Theft: Involve the police, or handle it internally?”. They mentioned that most of the issues involved in people are all really hard to handle. 

Eventually, Mr. Ryan and Mr. Graham provide their solutions to each difficulty and also let students think about it. Mr. Graham said, “They are not perfect solutions but at least we tried.” “We, humans, always make mistakes, but we have to try to fix them, that’s our task in life.” Mr. Ryan also mentioned. At the end of the lecture, we had a group photo and appreciated the efforts of Mr. Ryan and Mr. Graham. 

《110-1_GHRM532》23 Dec., Ms. Jassie Fang “ Online Business”

On the 23rd of December 2021, Ms. Jassie Fang, CEO of JC German Foreign Firm (JC德國洋行, gave a guest lecture for the students of the courses Business Ethics and Social Responsibility, Organizational Politics, and Entrepreneurship and Human Resource Management, all of which are taught by Professor Ryan Brading. Dr. Ryan wanted students not only to think precisely but to learn from others. He said, "Learning to think from different aspects is the core value of the guest lecture." The guest lecture was held on the 11th floor of the library, EMBA Center. 

Ms. Jassie Fang has rich travel experience due to her passion for learning. She said, “ The efficient way to learn English is to live or travel in an English-speaking country.” She encouraged students not to stop learning no matter how old they are, it’s always worthy that you devote your time to learning. 

Once Ms. Jassie traveled to Germany, she found there were some cosmetic products that were not sold in Taiwan and some were even more expensive than the local products. Here an idea suddenly came to her mind, she thought if there was any chance that she could sell German cosmetic products in Taiwan. Therefore, she started her marketplace on Facebook Group. She uploaded the pictures and descriptions of the products. Such a Simple action made her start her first online business.  

Ms. Jassie not only shared her experience, but also the practical part of how to make money in her business. She suggested students, if they wanted to have their own business, they have to make an actual plan, and implement it to reach the goal. At the end of the lecture, a group picture was snapped to commemorate the event. 

《110-1_GHRM528》21 Oct. The Guest Lecture: Mr. Elias Ek “How to start a business in Taiwan?”

On the 21st of October 2021, Mr Elias Ek, the General Manager of Enspyre offered a guest lecture for the students of Business Ethics & Social Responsibility, Organizational Politics, and Entrepreneurship & Human Resource Management taught by Professor Ryan Brading. Dr Ryan wanted students not only to think precisely but to learn from others. He said, "Learning to think from different aspects is the core value of the guest lecture." 

Mr Elias Ek is not only an entrepreneur but also a writer of "How To Start A Business in Taiwan?". He has stayed in Taiwan for over 20 years. In 2002, he established Enspyre, the telemarketing company with his friends from the United States and Europe. At the same time, he is also the senior "Angel Investor" in the Taiwan Dragon Chamber, which supports foreign entrepreneurs. He fully realized that there were a lot of difficulties for foreigners to deal with in Taiwan. Especially for the bank issue, he said, "Banks hate foreigners!!!" Therefore, he wanted to help as much as possible.

Before the lecture started, Mr Elias said, "Questions are welcomed. Please ask me any questions you want to get from me." As foreign supervisors, students were curious about managing their Taiwanese employees. Mr Elias said, "I always take employees as my family and encourage them to talk to me if they have problems or suggestions." He thought having a conversation was the best way to manage his company. That's why he wanted students to ask him a lot of questions.

Mr Elias is from Sweden, and he started his first business when he was 15 years old. He came up with bread delivery by bike because he knew every family needed bread for breakfast, so he found the opportunity. After he came to Taiwan, he built a website with his friends. He had to do customer service by answering the phone. At the same time, since he also had another job to do, he sometimes lost the call from customers. Therefore, he came up with an idea, "What if someone is answering the calls for me, it would be more convenient and efficient, right?" He said, "when we find a problem, we have to solve it." Mr Elias thought there should be someone like him who needed the answering service; that is why he started Enspyre. 

In the middle of the lecture, he asked the students whether to fire the loyal employee and why it was all because of her hardworking attitude. "Of course not!!!" some students directly responded. However, Mr Elias fired her eventually. He said, "she is one of my favorite employees in the company, but I have to let her go." He was concerned that she didn't get a good quality of life, still single at that moment because she always dug too much in work. The turnout was good; she got her life back, which Mr Elias wanted. 

At the end of the lecture, Mr Elias encouraged students to attend the 2021 entrepreneur exhibition; he hoped students could learn from other entrepreneurs. Learn from their stories; it might inspire you to have your own business or other career choices. His passion and persistence touched everyone; The students found the guest lecture enriching and inspiring. After the lecture, a group photo was snapped to commemorate the event. 

《110-1_GHRM508》10 Nov., Field Trip to AGRIGAIA SOCIAL ENTERPRISE

On the 10th of November 2021, students of Business Ethics & Social Responsibility, Organizational Politics and Entrepreneurship & Human Resource Management, instructed by Dr Ryan Brading, went for a field trip to AgriGaia company. 

AgriGaia Social Enterprise is a company that implements green technologies for making its products- Herbal. Students visited AgriGaia’s organic farm in Kaohsiung’s Qishan district. The director of AgriGaia – Ms Vanessa, welcomed students and introduced them to a unique greenhouse. The design of the greenhouse helps maintain the right temperature and protects plants from different weather conditions or insects.

The field trip also connected with the hot issue “SDG”. Ms Vanessa also talked about how they achieved SDG goals this year. She encouraged students to understand more about it. During the visit, students had the chance to plant their vegetables. We finished the visit by Q&A and taking pictures together with the director. Field Trip to AgriGaia was a precious experience. Students learned how local companies work on sustainability and social responsibility.

《110-1 GHRM501/IB506》Field Trip in Ocean Alexander & Hong Yu Food Museum of Cuttle Fish Ball

According to Prof. Heidi, organization theory and management can be learned not only through textbooks but role models in industries. Since Kaohsiung is a port city, she took students to visit manufacturers, Ocean Alexander and Hong Yu Food, reputable in the domestic as well as global yacht and seafood industry separately on Dec 21.

Ocean Alexander was the first stop. The company was founded in 1977. It is the one and only listed company yacht manufacturer. With great financial management and precise development strategy, it thrived after the financial crisis in 2008 and became the top 4 brand in the global industry. The success of Ocean Alexander is also attributed to the exceptional team. To attract talents around the world, the company proudly claimed that compensation and welfare stand out in the industry. After introducing the organizational structure and HR function, Ocean Alexander kindly answer all questions raised by students and gave them a factory tour.

As a role model of SMEs in Taiwan, Hong Yu Food gave students an opportunity to see the daily operation of a typical family business. Hong Yu Food was one of the vendors selling cuttlefish balls in the traditional market 20 years ago. With good quality, their cuttlefish ball gradually won customers’ hearts, and they successfully became suppliers of well-known enterprises, like Costco, Evergreen, etc. During the trip, students have a taste of not only local SME culture but the delicious classic food of Hong You Food.

             The field trip to Ocean Alexander and Hong You Food is enlightening in many ways. Students learn the different business operation styles, HR functions, and how marine culture influences local companies. By visiting the leading companies in the industry which also have gone through organizational changes and restarting, students can apply what they learn in the class and adapt to distinct company culture in the future.

《110-1 SA Event》Christmas Party

Written by Andy Teo/ Edited by College of Management

Ho ho ho. It’s the most wonderful time of the year! The end of the current Student Association’s term ended in conjunction with the final event of 2021, the Christmas party. Unlike the previous Christmas parties that were held, this year’s Christmas party had a very special theme, Prom Night! 

The event was held at the Riverside Group restaurant on 24th December 2021 with a turnout of more than 70 students from both the IBMBA and GHRM MBA cohorts. The event was also graced by the important guests, the deputy director of the international programs, Professor Jeeyeon Kim, and Professor Ryan Brading. As the party progressed, the alumni of the program also joined the event. What an amazing night it was, having to be surrounded by so many familiar faces. 

Starting off the event, Professor Kim and Professor Brading were invited to the stage and gave their welcome speech to the participants. After which, the SA committee presented their term end report on the activities that were held during their stint. The current SA committee would also like to take this opportunity to express our most sincere thanks to the College of Management office, Ms. Cindy Lin and Ms. Jenny Lee from the International Relations Office, the student volunteers, and most importantly, the students themselves, for all the support that they have given us throughout their stint. All these activities would not have been possible without all of you.

Due to the current pandemic situation, as a safety precaution, dinner was served directly to each table. During the dinner, beautiful songs were performed and sung by the participants, charming everyone with their angelic voice, making the dining experience an extremely pleasant and cheerful one. 

After filling their stomach with a sumptuous dinner, the teams running for the next Student Association gave their most convincing pitch to persuade the participants to vote for them for the next term. Many participants were wowed by their proposals and many cheers and applause were heard throughout their pitch. 

How can we call this a Christmas party without some games to spice things up? At each table, one of the chairs was tied with a red ribbon, marking the person who sat on it to be the table representative. Having no time to react to such a surprise, our elegant emcees immediately explained the rules of the game and requested for the table representative to follow their instructions. Ranging from lipsticks, shoes, glasses, purses, and even ties, participants actively scour through their belongings, racing to be the first table to gather all the items as requested by the emcees, passing them quickly to their table representative. As the slowest team of each round was slowly eliminated, one final winning team was awarded a gift package at the end of the game, which was shared amongst the table. 

Moving on to the next highlight of the Christmas party, the announcement of our Prom King and Queen! Voted by the participants throughout the event, the ten most dashing and beautiful candidates were selected to participate in the race for the title of Prom King and Queen. The candidates were randomly paired through a mini-game, and they were then tasked to charm the participants to garner their cheers for the final voting segment, with their slick cat walking and posing skills. It was a tough competition as their supporters’ roars filled the entire hall. Eventually, the SA committee decided to award two pairs as our Prom King and Queens. On top of the FamilyMart vouchers that were awarded to all the candidates who came up on stage, the Prom King and Queens also received an additional gift bag for their active participation. 

As we headed towards the end of the Christmas party, we invited many of the couples, together with our Prom King and Queens to start off the ball dance. As they swayed their way on the dance floor, one by one, our participants headed towards the dance floor together with their friends, dancing the night away. It was a breath-taking view to see everyone join the ball dance and drown themselves with laughter.  
Concluding the Christmas party, light sticks were distributed to the dance floor as the music changed to more upbeat and groovy songs. The term of the 8th Student Association of the International programs has ended up with this wonderful event with joy, laughter and appreciation. Thank you to everyone for joining this event and we look forward to seeing you around during the activities organized by the next Student Association team! 

《GHRM MBA》2022 International Student Application available from15th January till Mar. 15th, 2022

☆𝙶𝙷𝚁𝙼 𝙼𝙱𝙰: 𝚈𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝙶𝚊𝚝𝚎𝚠𝚊𝚢 𝚃𝚘 𝙴𝚗𝚍𝚕𝚎𝚜𝚜 𝙾𝚙𝚙𝚘𝚛𝚝𝚞𝚗𝚒𝚝𝚒𝚎𝚜 ☆

*Application Handbook

*Application Website: https://admission.nsysu.edu.tw/eoiaform/passportMember/login

*Application Details: https://reurl.cc/Opb5DD

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《110-1 SA Event》Thesis Sharing

Written by Andy Teo/Edited by the College of Management

“An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest” - Benjamin Franklin. Hearing your feedback on wanting to learn more on how to prepare your thesis, the Student Association of the International Programs organized an inaugural Thesis Sharing event, inviting our award-winning and outstanding thesis alumnus to share more on their experience on thesis preparation. 

The event was held on 3 December 2021, filled with 14 inquisitive students who were eager to learn. Split into 4 different parts, the event started with the sharing from our 3 distinguished alumni, with each covering a different topic. The sharing was followed by a panel discussion to address all the burning questions that our students had, before concluding with a networking session between the alumnus and the current IBMBA and GHRM MBA students. 

Kicking off the sharing, our first guest speaker, Nguyen Tuan Duong, a current Ph.D. candidate in Business Administration (NSYSU) and a previous graduate of MBA in International Business (NSYSU), and the recipient of the “Outstanding Thesis Paper Award” awarded by the  College of Management, National Taiwan University, covered the topic on “Seeking Inspiration for the Thesis Topic”. He provided a metaphoric guide, using the universe, galaxy, and stars, to describe how we should define and pinpoint the topic for our thesis. He also shared some of the search engines that the students could consider when researching their thesis topic such as Google Scholar, ScienceDirect, ProQuest, etc. 

Following Tuan Duong’s sharing, Sabina Ou, a graduate of NSYSU Dual-Degree program reading MBA in International Business (Nottingham Trent University) and MBA with specialization in Global Human Resource Management, (NSYSU), who received A+ ratings from the professors at both schools, shared her “Journey to A+ Published Thesis”. She provided an overview of her thesis timeline and recommended the students to consider spending more time on researching and reading articles related to the thesis topic.

Mayya Achyldurdyyeva, a Ph.D. candidate in Graduate Institute of Human Resource Management (NSYSU) and a graduate of MBA with specialization in Global Human Resource Management, (NSYSU), and the recipient of a long list of awards for her thesis including the “Outstanding Paper Award in Organizational Behavior Division'' awarded by the Taiwan Academy of Management, took the centre stage and talked about “A Thesis That You Can Use in Your Career / Research''. Mayya’s sharing covered a wide variety of topics ranging from how we should choose our thesis advisor, the difference between an industry and academic thesis, and how we could participate in thesis competitions. 

The sharing was followed by a panel discussion, addressing the questions that the participants raised throughout the event. The panel discussion was facilitated through a digital platform, PigeonHole, where students can submit any questions that pop up in their minds during the guest speakers’ sharing. Participants are actively engaged in the event and more than 15 questions were raised during the discussion.

Concluding the event, the alumnus and the participants chatted over some light refreshments during the networking segment.

Overall, it was a successful event that provided valuable insights to the attendees on how they could better prepare themselves when they start on their thesis.



Victor 學長分享了四大重要的職涯要素,學力、經力、能力、影響力。其中『學力』的部分,講師以自身經歷為例,講述自身求學經歷的種種波折,國中畢業後強迫中斷一年的學習,開始當起兼職學生、全職工讀,勇於挑戰的他,後續進入幼獅電台開啟不一樣的人生,更有了與原本規劃不同的經歷,並從原本攻讀的電子科,轉變為資訊管理系,到在職碩士,並開啟了人力資源管理之路,找到了自己的職涯目標。並提醒了同學們『在累積過程中可能被中斷,停滯甚至於倒退,但只要堅持下去,終將會迎來收成的時刻。』



鄒惠之 撰

Sunny Chen From GHRM MBA Shares Her Internship Experience At LaserTek

Many of our prestigious GHRM MBA and IBMBA students completed their internships at prestigious companies in Taiwan. Today, we share the internship experience of Sunny Chen from GHRM MBA. 

Sunny did her internship at LaserTek, one of the leading manufacturers of Surface Mount Device (SMD) materials such as top and bottom cover tapes. She worked in the energy department, which deals with LED tubes, air purifiers, and sanitizer sprays. Sunny learned about the internship opportunity through the Office of Career Development, College of Management, NSYSU. As OCD posts a lot of information about internships and other opportunities on Facebook, Sunny says it makes it easier to receive the news. 

As for the motivation to do the internship at LaserTek, Sunny says it was to gain practical experience. According to her, 

“The main point is to get practical experience. We always sit in the classroom, listening to what professors say, writing notes in the notebook. However, we got lots of knowledge but really lacked practical experience. Being an intern in the company will be a good choice to get practical experience.”

Sunny describes the work culture at LaserTek as 'true harmony.' The workplace is decorated with stunning artwork, and people are always willing to help. The mission of LaserTek is “creating an excellent environment for employees and the company to grow together," and the vision is to "guide Laser Tek to develop an international brand." 

According to Sunny, the biggest challenge was adapting to the new work environment, which took about a month. However, if she had any issues, she didn't shy away from reaching out to someone. Luckily, everyone at LaserTek was willing to help her out. 

The most memorable experience at LaserTek, Sunny says, was an uneasy experience with an agitated person. Sunny says, 

“The most memorable experience is a phone call. One angry woman called me; I answered the phone kindly. However, she kept yelling and shouting at me. I didn't take charge of this task, so I totally had no idea what happened and what she was talking about. She kept yelling at me and making me agitated. She made me restless, and I couldn’t hear what she said carefully. One day I mentioned this situation to my colleague, she shared with me how to handle this tough task. The most important thing is to stabilize your emotions first and don't follow her mood. The second step is to listen to what she wants to say calmly and wait until she finishes talking. The third step is to repeat what she said and confirm that you understand the conversation in this phone call. After this incident, I can answer the phone patiently and more efficiently.” 

Sunny acquired a lot of soft skills through the internship. She also shares advice for the students who are interested in doing internships in the future. Sunny shares, 

“If you have time, I strongly recommend students doing internships while studying. You can learn a lot which professors didn’t teach you in school. The internship experience will help you to adapt to the workplace after you graduate from school.”

GHRM MBA is delighted to know that Sunny's internship experience was so memorable and enriching. We are confident that the knowledge and skills gained through this internship will prove valuable to her in whatever field she chooses to foray into. 

《110-1 SA Event》Halloween Party // Mask Up! Halloween is Here! 

Written by GHRM MBA Andy Teo/ Edited by College of Management

What better way to end off the month of October than by celebrating the spookiest holiday, Halloween! It is the only time of the year where we can let loose of our creativity and dress up as our favorite character, the evillest villain of all time, or even as a human-size bunny! 

To start off, this event would not have been possible without our main sponsors, IBMBA and GHRM MBA Program Office, and the College of Management. We would also like to express our heartfelt thanks to the event sponsor, Pencil Creamery, for sponsoring their newly-flavored ice creams, and the event volunteers for their support. 

The event was held at the Beast Bar & Grill restaurant on 31st October 2021, from 3 pm to 10 pm, with a turnout of 47 students from both the IBMBA and GHRM MBA cohorts, and our alumni Sabrina Ou. 

Before the participants enjoyed a sumptuous buffet dinner, Professor Ryan Brading took the center stage and gave his welcome speech. After which, the emcees initiated a mini-icebreaker game of “Guess Who”, describing a series of keywords, ranging from the person’s gender, profession, looks, etc. The participants were quick to discuss amongst themselves before shouting out the person’s name enthusiastically. It was a fun and light-hearted game that helped warm up the event and the participant’s appetite. 

After the participants had filled their stomachs, it was time for the main event of the night. The participants were first split into teams based on their sticker’s number, which they received during registration, and were tasked to stand on a piece of paper. The game’s difficulty progressed as the surface area of the paper shrank, and the participants had to crack their brains to come up with creative ways to stay within the piece of paper. 

Following the Paper Game, the participants were once again, split into different teams, this time according to their sticker’s color, and took part in 3 different games namely Cup Pong, Flip the Cup, and 369. 

For Cup Pong, participants were required to compete against the opposing team by landing a ping pong ball on their cups. Whenever the ping pong ball lands on the cup, the opposing team would receive a light penalty. Countless cheers and sighs echoed the entire room as the participants stared intensely with each ball being thrown. 

For Flip the Cup, 7 cups were lined up on the table and the participants were required to flip the cup upright. As easy as it may sound, it turned out to be quite a challenge as teams struggled to flip the cups with some requiring multiple tries. 

For 369, the participants’ mathematical skills were put to the test. Going in sequence, participants were required to shout out their numbers in a chronological manner. Whenever it reached any number consisting of 3, 6, and 9, or their multiplication, they were required to clap their hands instead. Upon completing this segment, many of the participants commented that they should probably head back to elementary school to beef up their math. 

After a series of fun and exciting games, the participants gathered around for the announcement of the best dress award. It was a fierce competition between contestant 黃奕崴  (Edward), 1st year IBMBA student, Šárka Horáková, 2nd year GHRM MBA student, and Rudy Sergius, 1st year GHRM MBA student. Ultimately, Edward came up on top and was awarded the title of best dressed. Both Šárka and Rudy were also given a token of appreciation for their effort in dressing up.

Thanking the efforts of the volunteers, of which they have done a marvelous job, the President of the Student Association presented a certificate of appreciation to the four volunteers namely 劉安榛 (Yvonne), 謝帛憲 (James), 薛荌栩 (Melody), and 歐佳美 (Sabina). 

Concluding the Halloween party, lightsticks were distributed to the dance floor as the participants swayed and danced to the music. 

It was an unforgettable night filled with laughter and joy as memories were made not just within the participants’ closed group of friends, but with the entire IBMBA and GHRM MBA cohorts throughout the night’s activities. 

<110-1 SA event>: Doing good: We went to beach cleaning

Written by GHRM MBA Rosie Cao/ Edited by College of Management

After taking a one-year delay, the Trash to Treasure event is back! The event was held on 26th November 2021 with an impressive turnout of 25 enthusiastic volunteers, consisting of freshmen and seniors from IBMBA and GHRM MBA, who are driven by a sense of purpose to keep our mountain and ocean clean. 

The SA team and the participants arrived at the local Chaishan fishery beach (柴山漁港), located above the NSYSU campus in the afternoon. Kicking off the event, Priya Gupta, a bachelor’s degree student in National Cheng Kung University and a volunteer of Domi Earth, delivered a speech on “how Taiwan goes from a “garbage island” to zero waste”. Priya also provided a little background on how Domi Earth (https://www.domiearth.com/), played their part in helping everyone take pride in taking action to save energy, save money, and protect our common home – for our children, grandchildren, and neighbors both near and far. They also helped raise awareness of the mess created by single-use plastics.

The main event of the day, mountain and beach cleaning, started right after the sharing. The participants started the cleaning journey along the mountainside and ended up at the fishery beach. The chilly weather, accompanied by the breathtaking view, left the volunteers in awe as they equipped themselves with gloves, tongs, and trash bags, fully prepared to do their part in protecting our environment. The volunteers were split into three different groups, with each taking a different mountainous path, before ending at the beach. With the goal in mind, the volunteers covered as many corners of the hill as possible, ranging from pathways, roadsides, and even housing estates. Most wastes were trapped amongst the plants and rocks like plastic cups, old food wrappers, plastic straws, fishing gears, cigarette filters, surgical masks...etc.

Concluding the event, the volunteers returned to the cafe for a well-deserved break. The sense of satisfaction can be seen on the faces of the volunteers as they enjoyed their refreshments while chatting heartily with their peers. 

The 3-hour activity has taught the participants an important lesson about environmental awareness: it may seem insignificant to leave one tiny cup or plastic bag on the ground, but if a hundred people do the same thing, the effect can be devastating. Making sure you take care and clean up all the items you bring to the beach is the minimum you could do to protect the environment. Quoting a phrase from the organizer, “we hope that the participants will understand the importance of environmental conservation through active participation and that more people will attend activities like this”. 

《110-1 SA Event》International Program: How to truly unlock your global potential

By Reianthong Vongsangkam/ Edited by College of Management

On 8th October 2021, it was a wonderful honour for the IBMBA and GHRM MBA students at National Sun Yat-sen University (NSYSU) and the student association (SA) to welcome Pavel Čejka, one of the outstanding alumni from NSYSU's MBA program, to share his experience and how he succeeds in his professional and academic fields with 17 IBMBA and GHRM MBA students. 

Pavel Čejka (MBA, International student at NSYSU 2008) currently works as Regional Vice President (CEE, Russia & CIS) at Tableau, a Salesforce Company. He is also reading for a MSt degree at Cambridge (UK).

Academy-wise Pavel has lectured for NSYSU (TW), UHK & VSE (CZ), Katz Business School (US), Emory University (US), or the University of London (UK).

In this event, Pavel shared about “How to truly unlock your global potential” which enables the students to study and work anywhere in the world.

There were two parts to this sharing event. Along with his thirteen years of experience, the first part of the interview focused on his educational background, which included three masters from NSYSU (TW), UHK (CZ), St Andrews (UK), and a Ph.D. from VSE (CZ). The second part of the discussion focused on his work from Taipei, Prague, and London.

He shared that his journey in Taiwan started when he was an exchange student. He was impressed with incredible scenery, amazingly friendly people, and the most delectable cuisine. During his NSYSU MBA studies from 2006 to 2008, Dr. Cejka not only gained knowledge of business administration but also joined many sports activities, especially Dragon Boat & Basketball league. It was a great fulfillment of his life and the most unforgettable memory as an international student in Taiwan.

After graduation, he worked for ASUS. This was possible mostly because of the previous student project whilst studying an independent study course at NSYSU. Furthermore, he mentioned that most global companies in Taiwan have many career opportunities that may not require local language skills. What matters more are the individual values one brings to those companies.

Pavel landed his jobs predominantly as a result of active recruiting rather than due to his applications. One of the participants asked him how to build a personal brand. He told us that your brand comes from a personal vision statement and values. The main thing is, one should ask what makes her/ him happy. LinkedIn is just a canvas to reflect individuals in their honest form.

Last, Dr Čejka asked the participants what they planned to do after attending the event. Various responses included thesis completion, studying abroad, and special project development. Following that, he underlines that while you could have different goals, the most important thing for everyone is to consider the level of individual happiness and Genuity.

“I was impressed with this event.” Alan Wu (3rd-year IBMBA) shared. “It has greatly helped me in reflecting on my career path and receiving advice on how to choose a path for my life.". "It wasn't the standard sharing as I imagined", Ruby Liu (1st-year IBMBA) said. “Instead, it was insightful and touching. I felt the human connection and heard practical advice. Thank you for organizing this meaningful event.”. 

To unlock your global potential, Pavel argued, is that you need to have self-awareness first, which includes knowing who you genuinely are. That is the starting point on which one should build their career outlooks. You will succeed if you are happy on your journey. And, success is determined by how you feel about what you've accomplished. As a result, make your life enjoyable first, and then success will find you

《110-1 SA Event》Language Partner Fall semester 2021 // New Language, New You

By Rosie Cao/ Edited by College of Management

The best authentic way to learn a language is having conversation with native speakers. As a learner, the more conversation practice you get, the better you will eventually be.

The question is how to get that conversation into practice?

Language Partner event, held by the Student Association of International Programs (SA), is one of the answers. 

On the 1st October 2021 through Google Meet, SA hosted the Language Partner event to connect the IBMBA and GHRM MBA international students and local Taiwanese students. The aim of the event is not only to provide conversation practice but also to introduce one’s culture to the other student. 

The Language Partner’s procedure is simple: an international student and a Taiwanese student who is the partner need to meet up from time to time to practice speaking in each other's language at least one time per week.


There were 37 students to join the event and the majority of the participants were the first-year students. It was an event including participants from IBMBA & GHRM MBA and other institutes or departments under the College of Management. The event also had 3 students from another college at NSYSU. Half of the applicants were Taiwanese and the other half came from various countries including France, Singapore, Vietnam, India, Germany, and so on. It was absolutely a multi-nation activity in which participants can experience cross-cultural concepts.  

Incredibly, besides English and Mandarin, the participants wish to exchange other languages including French, Japanese, Korean, and German. French and Japanese are highly preferred as exchange languages for Taiwanese students. On the other hand, International students show a big interest in learning Taiwanese Mandarin (國語). Based on the application and special request, the SA team successfully matched 17 pairs of language partners. 

At the beginning of the event, the students listened to the story of Rosie, a Vietnamese second-year GHRM MBA student, and her partner 徐立宇, a student from the College of Management. She had not only one language exchange friend but another 5 partners who were mutual friends. “More than languages, it’s a true and genuine friendship” – Rosie said.

Lima, a senior GHRM MBA student from India, also shared his experience of his 1st time doing a language exchange with  Henry, a student from the Department of Finance, “Classes are short and we only learn what the teachers teach us, but in language exchange, we can learn what we want to - it's more flexible”

Lima and his Language Partner (Henry)

After listening to the story of 2 senior students, participants had been told how Language Partner works during the semester. The exchange will be at least 2 hours a week no matter if it runs online or offline. Students were encouraged to set the topic before meeting each other to enhance the quality of Language Exchange. One meet-up can be divided into 3 sections: 40 minutes of English, 40 minutes of Chinese and the rest of the time is for languages they both have passion for.

The Kahoot game was the last activity at this event. The participants answer 12 questions related to languages and the top 10 winners were awarded a Family Mart voucher under IBMBA, GHRM MBA, and College of Management’s support.

The event is successful and meaningful, bringing benefits and effects to not only Taiwanese students but international students. Following the success of the former Language Partner event, SA keeps the traditions to run language exchanges events and supports newcomers to adapt to the new environment. The SA team wishes to match more and more students in the future events and encourage the students to have more cross-cultural experiences and interactions.

Experience, Learn, Broaden Horizons - Tina Cheng and Her HR Career

Today we are glad to have a cozy interview with the alumni who graduated from our GHRM MBA program in 2017, Tina Hui Wen Cheng. 

At that time, GHRM MBA was a newly established program which was not known by many people. When Tina saw the advertisement, she was interested with its curriculum and decided to give it a try. “Human Resources field is one of the most prestigious programs in National Sun Yat-sen University. GHRM MBA is a friendly and international environment that builds on this great academic foundation. I think it is a great opportunity that I should not miss. I experienced diversity in my collaboration as well as strengthened my communication skills while working with other foreign students. These accomplishments are irreplaceable,” said Tina. 

Joining the exchange program in Germany is also an unforgettable memory for her. She got a chance to go to the top university- Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (University of Munich) in Germany. Tina believed, “If I weren’t there, I would never know the German culture, life and even the wonderful people in Germany. Besides, the best and most valuable part of our program is that you will have the chance to obtain a dual degree in a different country”.

Tina graduated in 2017 and got her first job in Innolux, a technology business, for nearly 1.5 years. Her main role was a recruiter and was in charge of the hiring process. In Innolux, one of the most unforgettable projects that she involved was to build a company campaign to attract job seekers for the job fairs in universities. During the campus recruitment events, she proposed the idea of developing company emoticons in Line as an exchange gift for job seekers in order to receive more attractions. Working in Innolux definitely inspired the creativity part inside her and equipped her with the adaptability to work in a dynamic organization. 

After working for nearly 2 years in Innolux, she had a chance to join TSMC as an HR business partner. Needless to say, this is a great opportunity for her to expand her career path. For this position, her main role is to partner with line managers as well as collaborate with other HR functions people. As the HR contact window for approximately 1,700 people organization, she was brought to solve various types of issues and questions from different people. “I found it more challenging to work in a big scale technology business. However, these bring me to grow and develop as a person,” She shared. 

Tina said, “Thanks to GHRM MBA courses and my precious experience in Germany, I have built strong analytical skills, problem-solving skills, and good communication skills. These work related groundwork enhanced my efficiency, productivity, personality and leadership qualities, which allow me to equip myself in my career.” 

Tina has ambitions to continuously pursue her future career path within the HR field. She is striving for a higher and more in-depth HR profession in her current organization. In TSMC, a technology industry with a structured and well-organized HR system, she will be able to explore in different perspectives of the HR function and become successful in her career ladder.