Where The East Meets The West: Joy Lin in Prague
/東西交界:林玠妤Joy Lin在布拉格
與其他交換的同學不同,Joy花在出國旅遊的時間不多,除了偶而跟台灣GHRM MBA的同學在異地踫踫面、一起旅遊之外,她比較常在捷克內享受當地氛圍或者在捷克有名的景點走走。隨著天氣漸漸變冷,Joy就選擇專注在論文上,「這麼冷當然是宅在室內做研究生該做的事情啦!」
Our ever prudent GHRM student, Joy, decided to spend her study abroad semester in the Czech Republic considering the low living cost and the convenience traveling around. Located in central Europe, Czech Republic has a root of eastern European culture, thus, made the country diverse and worth exploring. “The transportation in the Czech Republic is relatively convenient, especially in Prague, where I stay.” She said.
Joy took two courses in Czech Technical University. Her financial management and account management courses challenged her knowledge in English with accents and her ability to concentrate in class. Also, working with local students was quite an experience to her. “Most local students work, so they spend less time on academic studies and it was challenging.”
Spending less time traveling around, aside from meeting her GHRM MBA friends in Europe, Joy preferred to enjoy the vibe in Prague. “After the weather got cold, I was just being dorky and do what a master student should do!” She decided to concentrate on her thesis and research.
In a foreign place like Europe, culture shocks are inevitable. In Prague, the punctuality of transportation was an eye-opening experience to Joy, also the dirt-cheap alcoholic beverages, people can even find beer in McDonald’s. “Speaking one’s native language in a foreign country makes one feel safe.” Joy enjoyed meeting the Taiwanese people in Prague, sharing their traveling experiences and cook themselves some comforting Taiwanese cuisine.