C’est la vie! Eric Lin and His French-Styled Semester.


這就是人生!林冠宇Eric Lin的法式學期


  目前就讀GHRM MBA二年級的Eric是所上的型男大廚,向來積極外向的他在意想不到的情況下去到了法國雷恩商學院,展開不可思議的旅途。「我一開始根本沒有想到自己會錄取雷恩商學院,沒想到這麼幸運!」Eric笑著表示他對法國的陌生感與法國舉世聞名的美食是一開始選填雷恩商學院的原因,「我半點法文都不會,所以這成了我跳脫舒適圈的好機會。」靠著GHRM MBA 的全英文環境,Eric習慣了用英語與人們溝通,也讓他在學習上沒有隔閡。在雷恩商學院的課程中,老師通常都比較嚴肅,「我選了供應鏈管理,是一門比較硬的課,少了一點天馬行空的機會,但課程非常實際,也不失為另一種學習方式。」




GHRM MBA second-year student, Eric Lin, is the ultimate chef of the program. He started his unexpected journey in ESC Rennes School of Business, France. “I never thought I would be accepted by Rennes! I must be lucky!” he smiled. The foreign culture in France was the initial reason Eric chose to apply for Rennes School of Business, and of course the world-famous French cuisine. “I didn't know any French, at all. That’s why it was a perfect chance for me to step outside of my comfort zone.”

With the all-English environment GHRM MBA provides, Eric had no problem communicating with people in life and in school. Among all courses the school provides, Eric chose Supply-Chain Management during his stay. “It was a difficult course. The professor was very serious. Although the course lacked chances for students to be imaginative, it was really useful, which could also be a way of learning.”

Used to be on the NSYSU dragon boat team, Eric also kept working out when staying in Europe. He likes to take a walk in the park there and enjoy some sunlight. He also attended social events and made friends from all over the world. Traveling was an important part of his plans, to not only broaden his horizons but also meeting his GHRM friends in Europe. “Being able to create memories with my friends from the program in Europe is the part I will cherish the most!” he said.

“The trains are often late, which was weird for me at the beginning. The shops also close when it’s supposed to be opened for business. French people are all about themselves.” Coming to France is a mind-blowing experience for Eric, with all the different philosophies of living, stereotypes were broken and alternative ways of treating life were brought to his visions. “I am lucky to have this journey in life. C’est la vie!”