Grace 徐慕馨 in HR Dep. of management office in Eternal Materials (長興材料) Co., Ltd

Grace 徐慕馨

A summer intern in the HR department of the management office for Eternal Materials(長興材料) Co., Ltd. Grace serves as an HR assistant, helping the company do Taiwan Training Quality System (TTQS) evaluations, and employee’s performance management portfolios. She also helps set up the HR regulations for its Malaysia subsidiaries. She has realized that HR regulations, either in Taiwan or in Malaysia, have to be based on Labor Law, but sometimes these kinds of law are very difficult to understand. As a future HR graduate, we need to focus more on the country’s regulations and try to understand them, then we can create the company’s HR regulations.

GHRM MBA 2 年級學生 Grace 分享她於今年在長興材料管理處人力資源部的暑期實習經驗 -- 協助公司評核TTQS的相關事務,處理員工績效管理檔案,以及幫助人事課建立有關海外子公司的人事規章制度。Grace協助長興馬來西亞子公司制定管理規章時,深刻瞭解自己不僅對台灣勞動法規相當陌生;當工作需立刻熟讀馬來西亞勞動規章時,更是十分吃力。但 Grace 利用下班時間自行上網搜尋相關文獻、法令,再與公司資深同事討論增進相關知識,幫助她自己找到方法。Grace給學弟妹建議,在實習過程中一定會發生專業能力不足的情況,但這時無須氣餒,而是要抓緊學習的機會,自行吸取相關知識,並與公司資深同事請益增加自我知識。