Vincent 李元愷 intern at HR division of E.SUN Financial Holding Co., Ltd
/Vincent 李元愷
GHRM MBA Vincent works as an intern in the HR division of E.SUN Financial Holding Co., Ltd. Vincent applied for the internship from a 104 Internship platform and he successfully received this internship although there were several competitors. His responsibilities include optimizing Management Associate (MA) systems, creating interview competency models, updating the company’s recruiting website,and simplifying the internal recruiting process. E. SUN doesn't treat their interns like rookies, but instead treats them as experienced workers. These challenging activities have helped Vincent with critical thinking, problem solving, and risk management abilities. Vincent encourages GHRM MBA students to search for internship opportunities by themselves as they will cherish the internship even more after finding a company they really love working with. Vincent believes you should come to E.SUN and you can accomplish the most!
心清如玉,義重如山,訴說著玉山金控公司(E.SUN Financial Holding Co., Ltd.)期許自家員工的價值。GHRM MBA 二年級學生李元愷(Vincent),分享在玉山金控人力資源處擔任實習生的經歷。Vincent透過104的實習專區投遞履 歷,經過多重面試關卡,最後脫穎而出,成功獲得實習機會。實習工作主要負責玉山MA(儲備幹部)制度的優化,並和其他實習夥伴們一起建立金融服務人員職能面談模型、更新玉山的徵才網站、精進資訊人員的招募流程等。玉山推行正向組織社會化,時常指派有挑戰性的專案給實習生,從自我實現的層面去激勵員工,從而得到超乎想像的績效。Vincent在玉山,學習到批判性思考,解決問題能力及危機處理能力,而不是當一個聽話的部屬。Vincent坦言:靠自己的能力爭取到的實習機會,會讓自己更有憧憬與動力。更推薦學弟妹來玉山實習, 挑戰自己。