Anita Huang - Greetings from France!

Anita Huang 黃英紅

GHRM MBA二年級的Anita目前正在法國的 ESC Rennes School of Business 進行交換計畫。ESC Rennes在當地以富有國際學習氛圍之盛名,綜合國際學生與國際教授之比例高達八成,因此,絕大多數的課程皆以英文授課。

國際化的學習環境與資源,讓Anita感受到有別於自己過去的台灣經驗。「我修習的課很多都是國際老師上課。課堂上,老師就像扮演著結合理論與實際的橋樑一樣,不但帶領我們思考,更啟發學生更上一層地去探索這個領域」。除了課堂,Anita的寢室也是個小小聯合國。她與來自柬埔寨、哥倫比亞的同學共寢一室,彼此間的交談不設限於在ESC Rennes的生活,也相互分享彼此的母國文化與經驗。

在ESC Rennes的生活裡,使用英文就能夠讓生活溝通相當順利,但喜愛接觸多種語言的Anita也不放棄學習法文的機會,而異地天然環境也幫助新語言的學習,讓自己悠游在這個浪漫的國度。


「生活到目前為止都很棒,我得到比原先預期的還多!無論是學習、朋友、還是生活,我好像都再次找到了熱忱。在ESC Rennes的一切都讓我享受其中。」


Anita is a lovely girl of GHRM MBA family who is spending her exchange time at ESC Rennes School of Business France. ESC Rennes is famous for the international studying atmosphere where over 80% of students as well as the professors come from other countries. Most of the courses are taught in English so there is no language barrier in the class. However, living in France without learning the language is really a missing. Except English and Japanese, another language that Anita always loves to learn is French. She prepared some basic French beforehand which is really useful for her to explore this beautiful country.

At ESC, the professors from other countries have totally different way of teaching from Taiwanese, Anita thinks. They focus on bridging the theories and reality, and additionally, try to inspire students to be interested in the areas. She said: “Here, I find back my passion of learning”.

Coming to France, Anita also plans to travel around Europe just like her Taiwanese friends. Although she had never tried  traveling alone before, this time, she went to Germany on her own for 6 days. Now she is planning to go to Turkey and other countries and very excited about that.

Telling about the people she met in France, Anita mentioned her two roommates, who come from Colombia and Nigeria: “We talk a lot, I learn about their countries and how they live. Love the life of living with them”.

Anita’s summarize for her exchange life is:  “Excellent! I get more than I have expected. No matter the life, school, or people, they are totally new and surprising to me. Really enjoy everything here!”