Michael Sun Enjoys His Exchange Life in Linz, Austria!
/" Work hard, play harder". GHRM二年級台灣生 Michael孫健恆的異國交換體驗
因緣際會之下,Michael 來到位於奧地利林茲的 JKU Linz 作為研究所二年級的交換學校。在出發奧地利之前,Michael 對奧地利生活的想像是一個嚴謹又奢華的音樂之國;但實際在這歐洲生活了三個月之後,除了絕美的自然環境療癒他學習的身心之外,對於奧地利與台灣之間的生活差異,就讓 Micahel 來跟大家分享一下。
「以前在台灣不太會去感覺到生活機能方便這件事情,但一到歐洲就完全不相同」在林茲,店家早早晚上七點打烊休息去,週日則是完全不營業,去超市採買食材或是辦事情都要挑時間,深怕去晚了就又得等上一天。Michael 提到,他發現在一些特別的小節日,一些商家還會小小偷懶,比預定營業時間晚開門,然後又早早打烊關店。和台灣普遍商家營業到九點、十點的情形相比,實在是很難習慣。
認真玩也認真學習的 Michael 在林玆大學一共修了五門課,因為林玆大學注重交換學生的課堂參與和學習,要求交換學生的修課數和出席率。在他的課表中,有一門行銷課讓 Michael 列為大魔王課,每週上課前都讓他緊張刺激指數不停攀升。該門課要求學生課前先讀過兩篇指定論文,上課時,老師直接隨機抽籤,抽中的學生必須馬上到台前報告。「整堂課只有我一個亞洲人,其他都是歐美學生,我真是咬緊牙關給他撐過去了」吃緊的課程讓 Michael 的交換學習生活充滿了自我挑戰。
這三個月來 Micahel 也會趁著週末小假日到附近國家走走,目前的他已經集到奧地利、德國、匈牙利、捷克的旅行回憶。而今年也會是 Michael 人生中第一次在國外跨年,已經做好跨年計畫的他,透露了他目前規劃去瑞典跨年,接著去波羅的海三小國去度過接下來的假期。當問到了他在歐洲旅行的感想,他感性地說 「走到哪裡都很有文藝氣息,但最美的風景還是人。」
謝謝 GHRM MBA奧地利特派記者 Michael 的分享,GHRM MBA也要從台灣集氣祝福給他,讓他平安度過五門期末考。Michael 衝了!
Our GHRM MBA2nd-year student, Michael Sun, is doing his exchange program in Austria now! Come checking out what he is going to share with us from there.
Michael is currently staying in JKU (Johannes Kepler University) Linz, Austria. With its arm distance from Vienna, it takes one hour away by train to get to the university. “My first image of the country was music, music, and music.” he smiled. After spending 3 months living there, Michael would like to share his daily life in Austria and how he perceives the differences between there and Taiwan.
In the city where Michael studies now, most of the shops only open until 7 pm during the weekdays and closed on Sunday. Shop owners even open fewer hours than usual if it comes to some small holidays or local holidays. Michael has to rush to the supermarket after finishing his classes, or he has to wait for another day to go grocery shopping. “That is very different from Taiwan. I used to have some late night food when I was in NSYSU, but now, NO WAY!”
When it comes to the courses of school, Michael said that since the university pays attention to student involvement and class participation from exchange students as well, it is required to take 5 courses there according to his curriculum. Although he has a tight time schedule in school, still, he learns a lot from his courses. His Tuesday marketing class impresses him the most. “Everyone has to read 2 assigned papers before the class. When the class starts, the instructor will randomly pick students to do presentations in front of everyone. Everyone is excited and nervous at the moment! You won’t know if you are the picked one until the last second!” he said.
"Study hard and play harder". From September to present days, Michael has been to Hungary, Germany and Czech Republic for traveling. Besides that, he is planning to visit Sweden on new year 's eve, and then travel to the Baltic States as his following trips. Michael really enjoys the time when he travels in Europe, and he is going to explore more before he coming back to Taiwan. Good luck, Michael!