To Travel is To Learn : Vincent Lee's Amazing Journey
/學旅哲--- Vincent李元愷 學習與世界觀的中點
「慢慢的感受到,去哪裡不再是那麼重要,而是努力讓自己無論到哪裡,都能體會當地帶給我們的事物」--- Vincent 在羅馬尼亞
不同於同期學生,GHRM MBA台灣學生 Vincent 李元愷決定先完成碩士論文後,再好好享受在歐洲半年遊歷的交換學校生活。現在的他,於瑞士蘇黎世應用科技大學(Zurich University of Applied Science) 交換學習,因過去曾經造訪一次瑞士留下極佳印象後,在考慮地理位置、治安環境後決定再將自己落腳在瑞士。
除了昂貴的物價之外,在瑞士的一切生活都讓 Vincent 很滿意,他特別提到當地的自來水都可以直接飲用,而且幾乎每一個水龍頭都有熱水。但還是有一件事情讓他花了一些時間才真正習慣,那就是——行人至上的馬路禮儀!在瑞士,任何車輛看到行人一定都會先停下,直到行人穿越馬路後車輛才繼續前行。「在這邊大家都會直接穿越馬路;但在台灣,一定都會先停、再看,交通禮儀差距很大。」
而已經旅行無數歐洲國家的 Vincent ,表示自己有像蟑螂一樣的適應能力,從西歐到東歐,甚至是巴勒斯坦、以色列,他在每一趟旅行中設法貼近當地,感受人事物所帶給他的體悟,再得出專屬這趟旅程的感想。在體驗過熱門城市的喧囂後,Vincent 近期的旅程中反而改造訪冷門的小國,他提到「雖然網路上的參考資料少到無法排行程,但漫無目的的計畫反而更能用心感受小國家不為人知的一面」。
「當目的地是何處不再重要之後,反而到哪裡都可以有所收穫。」這是Vincent 在多趟旅行後油然而生的體會。在充滿悲傷的奧斯維辛,是一輩子到訪一回就足夠的衝擊;在伯利恆耶穌誕生的馬槽教堂,親眼目睹的深刻讓他感動的難以形容;在沒有星巴克的耶路撒冷,從一杯加了丁香和豆蔻的咖啡中品味中東。
祝福 GHRM MBA旅人 Vincent ,蒐集滿滿的旅行感動後再回來和我們分享吧!祝好運!
“As long as I have traveled to several countries, I started to realize that the most important thing in a journey to me is trying to experience the local and listen carefully what is it going to tell...” --- Derived from Vincent's Facebook post.
Instead of going abroad in the second academic year, Vincent, our 3rd-year GHRM MBA student, goes abroad after finishing his master thesis in this June. Considering the life quality and safety issue, he decided to choose Zurich as his exchange destination when he was applying. Now he is currently studying at Zurich University of Applied Science in Switzerland.
"Everything is fine in Switzerland, except for the price" he laughed. However, one thing which took Vincent a while to get used to is "crossing roads". In Switzerland, car drivers will show their great politeness to pedestrians, almost every driver will stop when there are pedestrians come close to the road and try to cross. Comparing to Taiwan, people have been taught and told to stop and watch out for cars before crossing roads since childhood.
When it comes to traveling, Vincent says he has agile adaptability like cockroaches when he travels. From Western Europe to Eastern Europe, he has been to several countries in Europe and even to Israel and Palestine. He tries to get close to the local and experience the life in each country he has visited, and sum up a reflection to everyplace he has been to. "At the beginning, I traveled to popular countries like everyone else do, but recently, the places where I visited and the countries where I am planning to go are relatively less attractive to visitors from all over the world. Although there is not enough information related those places I can get from the Internet, still, I open my mind to feel and experience when I am there." Vincent said.
When the destination is not important anymore, every single place is worth traveling around. In Auschwitz, he sensed the deepest sorrow from the tour of the concentration camp. In Bethlehem, he was overwhelmed by joyful feelings when standing in front of Jesus' birthplace. In Israel, he experienced the local life with the taste of a cup of coffee with cardamom and cloves flavors. "That is the purpose of travel to me." Vincent smiled.
We are grateful to have Vincent sharing his amazing journeys with us, and look forward to knowing more about his trips when he comes back! Good luck, traveler!