History, Beer, Germany! Tina Cheng's Munich Experience.

Tina Cheng (鄭惠文)在世界啤酒的中心呼喚「2016 我在慕尼黑交換!」


GHRM MBA二年級台灣學生Tina在一年前申請交換時,就把慕尼黑大學(Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München)填在第一個選擇志願中,Tina 除了對於城市賦予盛名的嚮往之外,也因被慕尼黑大學的學術的崇高學術地位所吸引。慕尼黑大學創立於1472年,是歐洲歷史最為悠久的大學之一外,也是德國國內的菁英大學之一,其雄厚的學術研究實力享譽國際,也是培養出多位諾貝爾獎得主的搖籃。

當談到上課的經驗時,Tina 坦言這裏的課都很有「份量」,常會覺得吃緊。她提到這學期修習的一堂課 Basic Topics in Leadership & HR,光這課就有三個授課老師,上課內容豐富不說,老師還會在課中直接和學生討論自己的學術研究主題。「課程名稱寫 Basic 可是一點都不 Basic,花在一堂課的精力簡直可以抵上台灣的三堂課!」她笑著說。

而德國的生活也在經歷了幾個月後,讓 Tina 在比較多國同是西歐開發國家後,有感而發德國物價顯相當親民「民生用品都相當便宜,如果是自己煮飯的話,其實沒有想像中貴。」她說道。而德國人的嚴謹,也一而再地在生活中被證實,她分享在辦銀行戶頭的過程中,光是銀行的密碼就分批寄了四、五封信給他,且網路銀行、轉帳、卡片密碼又都分開處理,沒幾天就會收到一封來自銀行的事情,德國做事態度認真嚴肅讓早有耳聞的她還是感到很驚奇。

大學所位於的城市—慕尼黑,同時是德國南部巴伐利亞區的首都,除了啤酒國際之外,還有另一個附近景點也無人不曉,就是蓋在山腰上、活像是從童話裡走出來的新天鵝堡。在德南,自然美景與歷史建築讓每遊客無不津津樂道,快門聲音不停歇;而富有盛名的啤酒文化也讓啤酒杯互扣,雪鈴般的聲音不斷在耳邊迴響。我們的 Tina 當然也沒錯過極富盛名的慕尼黑啤酒節(Oktoberfest),一同換上巴伐利亞的傳統服飾, 一起握著啤酒杯說聲「乾杯啦!Prost!」


"I'm here!"  We can all hear Tina Cheng's excitement from Munich, Germany, where she spends her exchange semester.

Tina, our GHRM MBA 2nd-year student goes to  Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU in abbreviation) in Germany for an exchange semester. The university is not only known for the city where it locates, also its great academic achievements and honors. The school has been considered as one of Germany's as well as one of Europe's most prestigious universities. Not to mention how many Nobel Prize winners had spent their time in the university when they were young. 

The great honor never goes easy to lectures, the loading of each class is considerably heavier than that Tina has had before. In her "Basic Topics in Leadership and Human Resource" class, there are 3 instructors in total, each of them try to bring as much as possible to the lecture, even invite students to discuss their current or past research works through in-class discussions. "Learning here is not easy, the effort which students are required to put in one class is three times more than one in Taiwan," she said.

Comparing with other developed European countries in Western Europe, the living cost in Germany is relatively low. "The price of goods you can see in supermarkets is not expensive, so we usually buy from supermarkets and cook in the dorm" she mentioned. Tina also experienced how serious and careful German people are when she registered her bank account there. "Just to set account codes, the bank sent me 5 emails, and they were all about the code. Then the same thing happened to every service I applied, money transferring, the card, changing the code of the card... I got emails almost every three days!" she said.

The city, Munich, where Tina studies, is also referred as "the city of beer". Located in Bavaria area, the southern part of Germany, there are thousands of visitors visiting the city for Oktoberfest and the world famous attraction: New Swanstone Castle (Neuschwanstein) every year. The area attracts travelers to keep their arms up for taking pictures of nature, castles, and raise their hands up for another glass of beer in the festival. Dressed up in the traditional Bavarian "Dirndl" and sitting in the crowds, Tina has raised her hands up with a glass of beer, and chanted "Time for beer! Prost!"