Catherine 賴美瑜 Summer Internship in Moxa Inc.

Catherine 賴美瑜

This summer, Catherine gained unique experiences as an intern at Moxa Inc, which is a high-tech company in Taiwan. She helps out with digitizing the company's employee database and developing expatriate guidebooks. From Catherine's observations, Moxa is dedicated to building its brand on teamwork management and work life balance. At Moxa, employees are invited to participate in regular activities, for example, family day, incentive tours, and sports games. One of the challenges during her internship was her unfamiliarity of the employee database project. With assistance from Moxa's HR team, she was able to handle the project and develop new skills. Catherine strongly encourages everyone to consider and participate in the summer internship program. This is one opportunity where students can apply classroom knowledge in a realistic setting.

人管全英碩程(GHRM MBA)二年級學生賴美瑜Catherine在四零四科技公司( Moxa Inc.)人力資源處實習,主要工作為協助公司更新內部人事資料庫系統與製作「人員外派手冊」。四零四科技公司( Moxa Inc.)是一間勇於在環境動盪劇烈的高科 技產業下,貫徹執行發揮HR機制進而使各部門發揮綜效的公司。美瑜表示: 四 零四科技公司文化如同外商企業,致力於建立雇主品牌、強調團隊共事、員工與主管共同進步;最有意義的是,Moxa重視員工工作及家庭生活平衡,每年固定舉辦家庭日、員工旅遊、運動會。實習過程中,Catherine將公司人事紙本資 料數位化,期間遭遇許多問題,公司人資先進均不吝給予指導,美瑜深刻體會 公司「知識分享,提攜後進」獨特文化。美瑜鼓勵學弟妹積極參與暑期實習, 唯有親自體會HR學術界與業界的聚焦差異,權衡二者後付諸實踐才能內化成自己的隱知識。